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We all portal to an empty place in the city, thank goodness there aren't that many zombies here, I guess this is where Gina got all the zombies.

When we landed, the stone fell on the ground and Ricky grabs it. We all quickly stand up and look around, like I said, not that many zombies, honestly, there are no zombies at all, just a wrecked city surrounded by gas.

"Okay, what do we do now?" Gina asks.

"Well, we got the Stone, so let's destroy it as quickly as possible before they can get here!" I say.

Ricky was about to hand me the stone, but then we heard rumbling. We look up and see Ricky's mom and Todd flying through a vortex. "You have something that belongs to us!" Todd says. Ricky's mom throws out her arm. She uses her telekinesis to force Ricky up to them. "RICKY!" Nini yells.

Gina quickly makes a portal and Ricky flies through it. He almost makes it back to us, but Todd blast him into the sky. Well, that complicates things, but more importantly, we can't see where he landed.

"You okay, Rick?" Gina asks into her earpiece. After a loud crash and some rumbling, we hear his voice. "Good news: I'm okay. Bad news: I'm in the horde of zombies" we hear him start fighting off the brainless creatures. "I'll get there as soon as I can!"

"What do we now?" Nini asks.

"We have to just keep them away from the stone until Ricky can get back" I explain.

"Guess they're ours for now," Lily says. She quickly creates illusions of herself and they all blast them at the same time, throwing them into the sky. Ricky's mom quickly creates a vortex around them and they come back shooting us with bolts of energy, blowing us back.

"Guys! The stone!" I say, looking at the stone that was in the middle of the street.

We all get up and head for the stone, but they all blast us. "Face your fears," Todd says, spraying his toxins over the city. I quickly create a force field around us protecting us. Suddenly, my force field turns into a wall, I can use this. I push the force field to the side, taking the gas with it.

"I didn't know I could do that?"

Mal and Jean quickly fly up, grabbing the villains by their legs and slamming them to the ground. Ricky's mom levitates them into a wall. She was about to hit them with pieces of debris, but Sadia quickly creates a wall of thorns protecting them.

I turn invisible and sneak up to them, I use my force field blades to attack. Ricky's mom was about to punch but I create a force field around him and throw her to the side, crashing into a building. Todd was about to attack, but I quickly punch him into a building, that was kinda far.

"Someone needs to distract them while the rest of us destroy the stone!" I say.

"That was Ricky's job," Nini says.

"Ricky! Where are you?" Gina says in her earpiece.

"Still busy at the moment!" He yells.

Suddenly, zombies surround us, with Lynn and Todd behind them. "You really think you can stop us, it's all of us against all of you."

I look at my friends who give me a nod before starting the fight with the zombies. I dig my feet into the concrete and I feel the red electricity in my eyes. I start to superspeed. It's like everything slows down and I'm the only thing moving at constant speed.

I start to run circles the city, building up more stamina, more electricity spreading across my body, not even feeling tired or numb, I really love this feeling. When I get back, I combine both my psionic power and my electric power to throw a psionic bubbly full of lighting at them. When they get hit, the bubble explodes and they're all hit with numerous bolts of lighting, killing some of the zombies.

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