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Ricky's POV

I lay on the ground crying. My locket is destroyed, the shards splattered everywhere, and the picture of me and my parents were ripped to pieces. I'm trying to see the bright side, which is I stopped the devices but I can't stop crying.

I hear my mom and Todd walk towards me, but I don't even care to look up at them. Mom runs her hand through my curls and I don't even bother to move. "You could've been like us. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so weak."

(Please just pretend it's darker, they're surrounded by rubble, and the hand isn't purple)

(Please just pretend it's darker, they're surrounded by rubble, and the hand isn't purple)

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"No. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a terrible mother" I grunt, finally looking up at her

Suddenly, Gina shoots a vibrational blast at both of them, knocking them into a wall. She quickly bends down and helps me up, giving me a hug. I try to hold back my tears and stay strong, but inside I'm snapping. I wrap my arms around her and just sink into her.

"It's gonna be okay" she whispers into my ear. I choke back my tears and try to pull myself together. At least I stopped the machine.

"Guys! They tricked us!" Ashlyn says, confusing all of us.

"What do you mean?"

"Destroying the locket means you destroyed the machines, not stopping them. We just let out the rest of the gas in every device!"

We all suddenly hear loud booms and the ground starts to rumble. That can't be good.

We all quickly fly up to the rooftop, gas was spreading all throughout the city too fast with zombies attacking and people running away screaming. "This could destroy all of Utah" Mal gasps. This is all my fault, I bought their lies, and I can read minds! This means I just destroyed my locket for nothing!

 This is all my fault, I bought their lies, and I can read minds! This means I just destroyed my locket for nothing!

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Suddenly, we're all hit with a bolt of energy that knocks us off the rooftop and to the ground. As we get back up, we see all zombies and Tood and mom, looking at us. Ready to fight, like an army, like Thanos and the Black Order in Endgame. This isn't good.

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