Rooftop, Venti

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Venti x Reader
Modern School AU
Angst TW

There at your school, you had a spare. A free period to either leave school grounds, catch up on homework, or chat with friends. Your spare happened to be the period before lunch, so you decided to eat early, and to eat outside on the rooftop open to students. It was a peaceful windy day. So you push open the door, the sound of the click then the outside world filling your ears. You make your way to a little bench against a wall and start to open up your bag. That's when you noticed a boy, another student by his uniform, standing near the railing. You observed him for a moment, slightly embarrassed that you hadn't noticed him. His hair was black with blue tips, and it blew gently with the breeze. You open up your bag quietly, not wanting to startle him and you start eating, watching as he moves a little closer to the railing. You noticed his trembling hands as he places them down on the railing. You can't help but raise your brow a little and start to feel an uneasy curiosity growing inside of you. What's he doing? You think to yourself. He still hasn't noticed you, granted that he has his back to you, and he seemed lost in thought, staring out at the world.

It all sets in though when you see him start to lift his leg. I know what he's trying to do...! You stand up feeling a moment of adrenaline and worry take ahold of you. Before he can fully lift his foot you call out in a mild panic that he was going to do something reckless, "Hey! What're you doing?" You shout out, eyes fixed on his white uniform blouse. You see his body stall, thin arms shake slightly as his hands that gripped the rail tightly now loosen up and delicate fingers part from the cold metal. You're walking over to him quickly, almost a jog thinking you might need to physically stop him... when your outstretched arm is a hand away from him he turns around to look at you, and you freeze, as you witness a strangers thick tears drip down his face. Actually, pour down his face, would be a better description.
You struggle to find words, as his deep blue eyes stare back at you, with a sense of anger and remorse, but longiness. Longiness to hear the words that would make him change his mind. As he sniffled you noticed the wind caught up, starting to blow a little more aggressively, as if it was crying with him. As if it was powered by his emotion. Your eyes are wide as one hand holds your skirt down from the wind, and the other is outstretched to him.
"Whatever you were just thinking..." You managed to get out, and you feel weird hearing only your voice in the wind, so loud and clear.
"I want you to know there's a better tomorrow..." Your voice tries to stay steady as he watches you, his body shaking with tears.
"And it's waiting for you to make it there!" You let out, raising your voice just slightly, unintentionally, due to your own emotions and beating heart.
He watches you, no longer sniffling, but the salty tears still pouring. As you watch his fingers tighten around the railing on and off you feel moved to continue, "You are important...and things wouldn't be the same if you weren't here!" You found yourself shouting at this poor boy, who stood staring at you speechlessly. He sniffs one last time, then rubs his red damp eyes. You stare at him wordlessly, unsure of where these intense feelings were coming from. You didn't even know him. However, you knew that you did not want him jumping, and now you felt that you wanted to know him. The boy took two steps to you and let himself be vulnerable even further, wrapping his arms around you, sinking his head onto your shoulder. The wind blew against his back and onto the sides of your arms. Your hair moving along with it. You were being embraced in a way you have never been before, and your heart filled to the top, feeling heavy and like it was being twisted in a wrenching pain. You wanted to protect this boy, you wanted to care for him, and you wanted to let him know that someone is there. Someone sees him and acknowledges him. So you gently rest your hands on his back, rubbing back and forth in a calming way. You felt so comforted, and you weren't even the one a wreck right now. You were being hugged by a broken stranger, yet you still felt such warmth and tenderness. You could only hope he felt even half the feeling. As you two embraced, the world felt a little slower, and a little warmer in the cold surrounding you. When he pulled away, looking at you with the face of one who was just crying, he had the tiniest humble smile as he said, "Thank you."

What a beautiful person. And you had the luck of getting to know him before it was too late.

A.n I auh. Yeahhhhhh. Hrgehebevev. I really love this sort of theme I guess. Sorry 😃 870 words.

Genshin Impact Headcanons Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora