Schoolboy, Gorou

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Reader x Gorou
Modern School AU

Gorou, your boyfriend, was a dog human boy, and was a generally loved boy by the school. He excelled in gym class, and his manners were good, yet he was also kind of shy. He was very capable of being a leader when the time called though, and he had many friends, but this is what made you fall for him, his partiality towards you. Even with all those factors about him, that made him seem like the perfect schoolboy, he always took to you, and he hung around you most. When you got to know him you never expected him to be so bashful and humble, and he was unintentionally funny. And though he seemed like he was super smart, you found that he lacked knowledge in certain aspects of life, and it was really cute to you. To everyone else he seemed like a tough military general or something, but when he was around you and his friends you see just how much of a puppy he is, not some great mastiff. When he had gotten close to you, you made the mistake of asking to touch his ears, which instantly got him embarrassed. You didn't know he could get that flustered.
But now you two were a known couple around the school, and girls would tell you that you're lucky, and students would think you two were cute. Both of you weren't too affectionate around the others, because you didn't want them to talk about you two and bring it up again and again. You were only in one class together which was law, so often you missed him, and could only rely on some lunch periods spent with him, but both of you were usually busy.
It was the end of the day, and you were at your locker getting your stuff ready, when you felt a tap on your shoulder and a familiar voice say,
"Y/N." You turned around to see a smiling Gorou and you instantly smiled too. You missed him a little extra today.
"Gorou!!" You smile. His ears flicker slightly and you love it just as much as you always have.
"How was your day?" He asks and takes your hand, pressing it with his thumb along your palm. You would give him a kiss but everyone was around, so you decided against it.
"It would've been better if you were around!" You say then close you locker, bringing your bag with you.
"I... feel the same." He says blushing slightly.
"But today the grade 12 options were handed out, have you done them?" He asks. You nod your head yes, and while you two go down the hallways hand in hand you discuss which options you chose.
"Today Mrs. was really upset." You say.
He knows who you're talking about because the same teacher gives you grief. You two push open the door and leave the school, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the warmth hit you.
"Ahhh man, she sounds upset all the time. I wonder why she's so uptight?" He voices. You look up to him with a smile, feeling content that the day is finally over, and you're now with your comfort person.
"Yeah, whatever though." You shrug. You two walk to the curb and lean against a parked school bus. All the students are pouring out of the building, chatting and waving goodbye as they run to their ride or hop on a bike.
"My ride's not here yet." You say. Gorou looks around then says, "Mine isn't either. But that's a good thing! Now I can talk to you longer!" He's vibrant eyes connect to yours and you feel your heart flutter.
"Yeah, how was your day, Gorou?"
You ask him. He makes an unsure face while saying, "Well, it definitely could've been better." You frown and ask him why.
"I was feeling sad today, then I dropped my papers into a spill." He pouts.
"Oh no! I'm sorry that happened..." You say. Then you hug him and rub his back trying to make him happy.
"It's alright though! I'm happy now." He looks down to you and smiles. You try not to blush, so instead you pull away slightly and fix his blouse that is all crooked.
"Got messy..." You mutter as he watches you. When you've finished and he's silent for too long you look up to him shyly, looking down quickly when your eyes meet, then back up again when you gained the courage.
"G-Gorou?" You stammer. His heart was warmed at the way you took care of him.
"You are so cute." He says. You just want to run away but at the same time you want to be with him more and more.
"So are you..." You say. You see his sweet little ears flickering every now and then and you hold his hands tightly. Why is he so beautiful?... You wonder. You've already been dating him for 6 months, and you are still not used to his beauty. You didn't think you ever would be.
Your breathing hitches when he leans in to you slowly, then pauses just seconds away from you, as if asking for your permission. Your face is red like his blushed cheeks and you nod shyly, so he closes his eyes then your lips connected. You wanted to sink back, but you were already against the bus. You were happy it was empty. Feeling your heart beat crazily, you squeezed his hands, loving the feeling of him as you two kissed. It had felt like a long day for both of you, and now you felt like you were free from it. He was a good kisser, which surprised you when you two first kissed because he seemed so shy and naive. Yet he kissed you in a perfect speed, direction, and softness. You felt like you were going to melt. Rarely have you two kissed at school, but you didn't care at the moment, because you missed him. And you two loved each other. It lasts long and slow and you hear someone clear their throat.
"Oh my, what do we have here?" You hear a soft voice comment. You two pull away, more like Gorou because you can't move back, and see the white haired boy, Kazuha. He was standing with a grade 12 student named Beidou and she says, "You two care to get a room?" Then laughs. Kazuha and Beidou were basically Gorou's supermodel friends.
"K-Kazuha, Beidou!" Gorou comments. Your face is red and so is Gorous.
"Good to see you again, Gorou." Beidou laughs and you thought she was so cool.
"Good to see you two!" He exclaims still in an embarrassed frenzy.
"They were watching, you know." Kazuha says while pointing behind him with his thumb. Your heads look back to see a few people smiling and giggling.
"Oh no..." His ears drop. They chuckle a bit and leave.
"See ya around." They wave.
"See you..." You mutter. You look to Gorou embarrassed with wide eyes and you two both look back to the crowd.
"L-let's go somewhere else, Y/N." He says. You nod and take his hand, running away from the students who will never forget the day you kissed Gorou in public. Your cute puppy schoolboy Gorou.

A.N. Yoooo. How are y'all? Sorry my updating is so unorganized and just for me to update this. 🤣</3 1140 words.

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