Just A Job PT1

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(Hi someone asked me about doing a story where it changes from dislike to like so this is first part hope it's going be ok)

Kate was nervous.

Not that she wasn't qualified for the job, of course she was qualified, she had a master's degree in business and had been a PA for the head of Victoria's Secret. But she heard rumours about this man. Johnny Depp was a  actor and businessman by day, and a playboy by night according to the tabloids.

Kate looked around the room at the other contenders for this job. Three stunning looking women, and her. Three women who resembled models, one blonde, the other brunette and the last a redhead. It was basically the who's who of international flavours and then it was her just ordinary.

Maybe she wouldn't get it. Kate started to think as her mind wandered between beautiful women who would entice Johnny more than she ever could, even if she wanted too. She knew she didn't have a real shot at this but it wouldn't stop her from trying her best to impress Johnny into choosing her. Even if she didn't get the assistant position maybe he'd feel sorry for her and give her a job somewhere else... or something.

"All the people who were his assistants are now bosses," The redhead decided to say as she whispered to the blonde one.

Fuck. Kate needed this job now more than ever.

"Miss Todd?" Kate heard Johnny's current assistant called to her and finally it was time. She was ready to face the music, good or bad... this was it. She was going to go into this guns blazing, full speed ahead with no worries... okay maybe a little worries. Kate got up, and she noticed the women watching her, as she walked past them towards Johnny's office. Kate went in, and saw him writing down something before telling Kate to take a seat.

Johnny didn't look at her yet, and Kate wondered why. She sat down adjacent to his chair and waited for Johnny to look up. When he didn't Kate started to feel more anxious and bit angry she thought it was a bit ignorant. How could she do an interview  and even work with someone who wouldn't even look at them?

Moments, minutes, time went by as Kate waited for him to acknowledge her presence. First she thought that maybe she should just leave but she remembered the vow she made to herself while outside. She was going to make an impression... no matter what.

"Here's my resume," Kate said as she placed her resume down firmly in front of Johnny's view. Making, no forcing him to stop what he was doing and look at her qualifications. Kate didn't know if anyone ever did this before, probably not. Because soon, Johnny's head rose, and he looked at her... actually looked at her this time.

He did have lovely eyes though, dark that just had you mesmerized. But no no this wasn't about that she was here for a job not a date.

"I have a master's degree in business. I have worked under powerful men and women before, I was PA to head of Victoria's Secret , second in command in the Helmsley corporation when I got to New York. I also have done a string of internships in the field of business in all areas. I'm proficient, I know my way around a computer and I can be the assistant you need, Mr Depp if you just give me a try."

Kate was pretty sure she said all of that without taking a breath and that probably was because not only was this man intimidating, no that was obvious.

Johnny kept staring at her, a blank, stern stare that made Kate believe she might've crossed a line. He picked up Kate's resume which was impressive on its own and then placed it back down slowly.

"No one has ever come into an interview with me, and demanded my attention. I've interviewed 200 applicants for this position and not one of them were rude the way you just were."

Kate gulped, ashamed that she actually had the nerve to interrupt a multi-millionaire while he was working. She fixed her jacket and sighed. She fucking ruined everything by opening her stupid mouth. "Sorry to waste your time," Kate mumbled before she got up and started for the door.

"You're hired."

Kate stopped in her tracks right before she reached the door, and slowly she turned around to see Johnny still watching her. But this time his eyes went from Kate's face, down her body then back up with a smile.

"I like a woman who has a set a balls on her, so to speak," Johnny said as he got up and began walking towards Kate, "And a cute smile to go along with it." As soon as he said it, Kate did indeed find herself smiling, no no no remember this is your boss. Johnny said "You start on Monday, we're going suit shopping. I hope you know how to tie a tie because I'm shit at it." Johnny laughed, looking deep into blue eyes.

"I know how, very well sir." Kate said back, trying not to get lost in his gaze.

"Don't call me sir, call me Johnny."

"Johnny." Kate corrected herself, while they stared into each other's eyes. No this is not happening Kate was thinking.

"I like the way you say my name," Johnny said it in a low voice. He and Kate were starting to breathe a little heavier than before. Johnny opened his mouth to say something else but his door opened, and the two of them quickly parted even though they weren't doing anything.

"Mr. Depp, you have an important phone call and the others are waiting," His assistant said, while looking between the two of them.

"Thanks Stacey uh, give me a minute." She nodded then left without any other say. Johnny looked at Kate who looked back at him, then away, like he shouldn't be. He ran a hand through his hair then placed his hands into his pockets nervously. No way was Johnny Depp just flirting with her. No fucking way. Kate was imagining things, that's all.

"So, Monday... I'll see you then?" Johnny said.

"Monday, goodnight Mr. Depp." Kate smiled at him, one last time and she could see by the lost look on Johnny's face that he needed that smile. Kate grabbed the door and walked out right after, she told herself not to look at the office as she walked past.

once she got to the desk she saw his assistant smile as she gave her back the clearance card. She kept smiling and it kind of made Kate uncomfortable.

"Do I have something on my face?" Kate asked her curiously.

"He hasn't smiled like that since that horrible court case in the UK," She told her quietly, ''Today, was the first time." She gave her a new card then exhaled, happily, "Welcome to the team Miss Todd."

Kate shouldn't of been smiling but she was. She nodded at her and once she made it inside the elevator Kate smirked at her own reflection and happily she danced. She got a job with Johnny Depp, but nothing was going to be happening, no even though it was Johnny Depp but no maybe she could ignore his flirts or act like it doesn't bother her, yeah that's a thought so nothing could go wrong, Right ?

Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Where stories live. Discover now