Breaking The Walls PT 1

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(Hi all i thought i'd try something bit different and i want to say there is a reference to abuse but i'm not going to go into details, it is still part of the Shots series but it might go over 2/3 chapters.  Thought i would start of slow)

Johnny had suspected that Stella was OCD on some level, but never thought that was the reason her father bullied her when she was younger. He wondered what the trigger was for Her, but he wouldn't pry. He knew exactly how nervous she was around him and really didn't want to make it any worse.

"Hey Steve, where's Stella?" Johnny asked when he bumped into his friend in the hall.

"Yeah, she's gone for the day she said she had bad head," Steve replied. "She really looked bad, Johnny. She told me she was fine, but her eyes were telling me something else."

"Was she heading home?"

"I think so, why?"

"I wanted to tell her what a good job she did today, i always had idea that something happened in her younger years, i didn't mean to bring it all back for her being on the set " Johnny said.

he smiled. "Think it might help for you to say something she doesn;t get told enough that she does great job Steve said. "See you tomorrow."

Johnny chuckled to himself. There were days when he was convinced that Steve was on happy pills. It was a good idea though; Johnny would just drop in and talk with Stella.


When Stella got home she put her things away and flopped down on the sofa. Them scenes re-awoken some very painful memories – memories that Stella really wanted to be able to forget forever. She covered her face with her hands and groaned softly.

A knock at the door made her jump. Stella figured it was Steve coming to check on her to be sure she was really okay. There were days when it seemed like that he could smell a lie. "Johnny," she squeaked when she opened the door.

"You did great job today on the set "But I'm a little worried about you. Can we talk?"

"Talk? Ah, sure, come in," Stella replied. "Do you want something to drink? Have you eaten? I was gonna order pizza, but if you want something else then we can..."

"Stella," Johnny interrupted trying not to laugh, "we're not at work and I'm not here as your boss. I'm here as a concerned friend. Please, let's just talk for a minute, okay? Then we'll worry about dinner."

"I'm sorry, Johnny I don't know why I do that," Stella said as she sank onto the sofa. "I mean, I know why I do it, but I just can't help myself, you know?"

"It's because I make you nervous," Johnny said.

Stella shook her head and looked at her folded hands. "That could've been me in that scene today, Johnny. That scared kid who thinks she's a freak because she has to do something or she just knows something bad is going to happen," she said. "Only I was lucky enough to have a teacher recognize what was happening to me and step in. She told me more or less what your character said today she could feel the tears welling up.

Johnny scooted across and pulled the shaking woman into a hug. "I don't know if there's anything I can do, Stella," he said. "But All we can do is try."

Rather than pulling away, Stella pressed closer and let the tears she'd been fighting since she left he set. Johnny just held her and rubbed her back until she was able to calm down again. "Sorry, Johnny."

"Don't be sorry," Johnny said. He brought his hand up and rubbed the back of Stella's neck. "We all need to let go, we can't let the evil into out hearts otherwise it makes a home there."

"I just, I never really had anyone do that before," Stella said. She really didn't want to sit up, but knew that she probably should. It seemed wrong to almost be sitting in her boss' lap. And she would move – just as soon as johnny's grip loosened a little.

"Stella, how many people have you let this close to you?" Johnny asked softly.

"Not that many," Stella replied. "But you don't scare me now because I know you won't hurt me."

"But I scare you at work," Johnny said.

" Wouldn't say scare but You're different at work," Stella whispered.

"Intensity can be a good thing," Johnny smiled. "It let's you focus on the work in front of you."

"Are you teasing me?"

"A little," Johnny admitted. "Stella, at the end of the day remember this, my days couldn't function as well without you there. No matter how much I may be hard working, I need you there."

"Really?" Stella lit up.

"I promise." Johnny knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't help himself. He leaned forward and softly took Stella's mouth with his own.

Stella froze as lips touched her's and just started to tease. She couldn't believe that Johnny was kissing her and didn't know what to do.

"Hey, you can kick me out of here any time you want," Johnny said softly. "Nothing that happens here will change anything at work, you know."

"My, my boss just kissed me," Stella said. "How does this not change things?"

Johnny kept a hold of her so Stella couldn't run and started rubbing her back again. "Stella, I don't know where my feelings for you changed, but they have and I want to take care of you and love you – even if it just as a friend."

"And, um, if I want more."

"I'll give you whatever you want," Johnny said. "And that includes space to think if you want it."

Stella swallowed hard and hid her face against Johnny's neck. "Will you stay and hold me after a nightmare?"

"Do you have nightmares often?"

"Um, just after something triggers a memory."

"I'll stay and hold you all night," Johnny said softly. "Maybe the demons haunting you will think twice about taking me on."

Stella's laugh tickled Johnny's neck and the older man smiled. He had a feeling that Stella really needed someone to care enough about her to look past all the walls she had up to see the real her and if anyone could it would be Johnny especially after what he had to deal with, with his ex wife – and then love what was there.

"Do you still want pizza for supper,Johnny asked.

"Yeah," She pushed back and looked at Johnny. "Is it wrong to want to cuddle?"

"Of course not," Johnny said. He leaned up and kissed Stella's nose. "Go order supper and I'll show you how it's possible to eat and cuddle at the same time."


Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Where stories live. Discover now