There Is A Difference

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There is no such difference, no matter how often you want to repeat it", you groaned before grabbing another hand full of peanuts, snacking away on them. ''Of course there is, how can you even dare to say there isn't?", Johnny sat in front of you wanted to know in disbelief. ''Simply because there is not, it's not so hard to accept", you answered, shrugging your shoulders. ''Do you think you can settle that topic anytime soon?", Johnny's security well more like brothers, wanted to know amused. And since you felt so comfortable in their presence, since you started working for Johnny as part of his team you had no problem discussing sexual topics with them either, just like in this moment. You had no idea how you ended up at that topic but no matter how it happened, Johnny was of the opinion that there was a difference between fucking and making love while you thought otherwise.

The lads were following the discussion rather amused with them rather taking your side than Johnny's. You smirked at them before you said: ''Just give up Johnny, it is the same and it will stay the same. There is absolutely no difference between making love and fucking. It's just two different expressions for the exact same thing. After all it's just sex, no matter how often you want to flip that coin''. Johnny was shaking his head, not wanting to believe his ears, as he tried it again: ''You are absolutely wrong Y/N, they are two different things if you want to accept it or not."

You crooked an eyebrow, asking: ''Why is it so important anyway? You say there is a difference, fine, believe it. I say there is not, also fine, accept it." You shrugged your shoulders not really understanding what the big deal was and judging from the lad's expressions they didn't know either. Johnny just shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his beer, saying: ''Fine then let's agree on that. It's no big deal at all, I just can't understand how you as a woman can be of the opinion that they are the same." Johnny's security guys said ''we are leaving you to sort this out between yourselves'' they turned round smirking and shaking there heads as they where walking out.

Okay now to the really important question: Who showers first?" You could see the corners of his mouth twitch as he said: ''Go ahead princess, you need it more necessary, I can wait''. You rolled your eyes before you smirked at him, grabbing your shirt and shorts for the night and saying: ''Thank you John but you stink like a whole gym as well''. You heard his laugh as you closed the door to the bathroom behind you, laughing yourself, stepping under the shower.

Once you were done Johnny followed your example while you took your tablet, browsing the internet, not exactly searching for something in particular, but given that you were not tired yet, you tried to pass time somehow. You heard the bathroom door being opened but didn't bother to look up until you heard the familiar deep voice say: ''I still can't believe that you are of the opinion that there isn't a difference." You rolled your eyes as you turned your attention to the half naked actor who was standing in the door, getting his hair up in his usual bun while you could see the movement of his muscles as he was wearing only a towel. ''Why don't you just give it up? It's not like it is important at all.", you shrugged, awaiting his answer. ''I don't let it drop because there is a fine line and I can't believe that you are not willing to accept that.", he got back at you with you wanting to know rather annoyed: ''Even if there would be your so-called fine line, why the hell is this so important to you? Why can't you just accept my opinion like I accept yours? You want to believe it? Fine do so. I don't? Fine accept it." He shrugged his shoulders before he said: ''All I'm saying is that you have clearly slept with the wrong guys if you are of that opinion."

''No, the only reason I say that is because there simply is no damn difference''. ''You just haven't been showed yet doll. Because if you had, your opinion would be a completely different one.", he pointed out before switching off the light in the bathroom and heading your way. You got up, absolutely annoyed by now as you walked over to the little table in the room in order to place your tablet on top of it. You could feel his presence and as you turned round, he was just inches standing behind of you. You saw his broad bare chest, the omnipresent tattoos on his chest and his arms and as you looked up, he locked eyes with yours. If you didn't know that you were wrong, you would have sworn to see a certain fire burning in his eyes before you scolded yourself.

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