Help With Migraine

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Funny enough the day didn't start off terrible. In fact, it started off pretty well. Kate woke up fairly early enough to drag herself out of bed to do your morning exercises. Even after exercising and getting ready, she still had time to make herself some coffee, and she was feeling in a positively good mood, though, that quickly went away. The coffee stain on her shirt was a grim reminder of how much of a shit day she was having, something didn't feel right, she was hoping she wasn't coming down with something Johnny was coming back from being away doing some filming.

Kate's head felt like it was on fire. She tried to focus on her computer screen, but the light of the device hurt her eyes and you shut them. She rested her head into her arms. Johnny returned home and he was expecting Kate to be there as she always was but he walked into the living room and found her almost slumped at the table, he was concerned that something serious was wrong he dashed to her, ''Kate, Kate You okay, doll face?".

"No," she admitted. Kate pulled her hands away from her face and nearly sobbed as she saw that her computer was now frozen. Kate's migraine was full on now, and her head was throbbing so much that it made it near impossible to focus on anything. She closed her eyes for a few moments, before she forced herself to open them to Johnny looking concerned at her, ''have you taken anything darling''? Kate just shook her head, she heard Johnny walking into the kitchen she could hear water running and then he came back and said ''here baby take these, they will help''. Kate took the water and tablets and took them. "Migraine?" he asked. He knew her so well. Kate had the tendency to get migraines when she pushed herself too much, and she groaned in response.

"You had a tough day huh?" he continued, a pout playing on his lips before he chuckled. "No biggie, I'm here to fix that," he assured, his voice somewhat soothing for once.

''Come on away from that computer I think you need to relax," he suggested, '' Kate come on I'm taking you upstairs you need to be in bed' 'He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she fought the urge to look at him as he massaged the curve of it with his fingers.

"I think what you need is a break, doctor's orders!" he exclaimed with a dark chuckle. "C'mon, you don't have anything that can't wait until tomorrow."

"I'm fine anyway you've been working you shouldn't be looking after me,". "You're not fine, c'mon, now this is me saying i don't give a damn if i have been working but you are not well and you need to be in bed ," he urged, "I won't take no for an answer," he said with an amused smirk.

He scooped Kate up into his arms suddenly, humming away loudly and acting as if he didn't hear her say ''put me down''. He carried her all the way to the bedroom, bridal-style, which she couldn't help but giggle at, and he flopped down on the bed, positioning her on the comfortable seat that was his lap. He ran his hand along her arm, stroking the skin there as he eyed her with a suggestive look on his face.

"Sorry you had a shit day baby," he chuckled, his grin widening when she managed to crack a small smile, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "But that's why you always have me to make it extraordinary!" he exclaimed smugly.

"It's fine, I've had worse," she admitted, and he continued to smile sweetly at that. They both fell into silence for a few moments. She loved that she could have a horrible day or a shitty migraine, and Johnny would be there to help make her feel better. Kate was so comfortable and warm, despite the pounding in her head. But even with that pulsating ache in her head, she found herself getting lost in the features of his face — those long ebony eyelashes, his hair that fell in front of his forehead, the glimmer in his devilishly enthralling eyes, she drank it all in, and of course he noticed this.

"Like what you see, gorgeous?" he raised both eyebrows inquisitively, his smirk only broadening even more so, entertained by your watchful stare.

"Maybe i do," Kate said with a light shrug, acting as if it was nothing.

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