Only One Bed

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                                                                                                                                                                                          Johnny and his team was coming back from a long day filming and meetings. Abbie was just tired being a PA to Johnny she ran about as much as he did, but he was sweet and lovely so she didn't mind.

Despite the sporty (dangerous) driving, they wouldn't make it back to Johnny's home that night. So they decided to stop at a small hotel on the side of the road to rest and regain their strength to face the road that remained for them to travel the next day.

At the front desk of the motel was a very thin old lady, so arched that it was surprising that she was still standing. She held a pearly cigarette holder in one hand and the latest gossip magazine in the other. She barely looked up at them when the four of them appeared in front of her desk, which was covered in paperwork and previous editions of her magazine. Johnny, who was already not in a good mood he had heard from his legal team about a court case and her team still making out she was the victim so he had not been happy all day, barked a "goodnight" at the receptionist to get her attention.

"Four bedrooms, please," Abbie said with a polite smile to make up for her boss's bad mood.

"There are only two," the old woman replied, blowing a circle of smoke at Johnny's security, who had been unfortunate enough to get too close to her.

Neither wanted to get on the road again, so with a growl Johnny nodded and took the two keys she was already handing him. He tossed one at the lads and said:

''Right you two together, Abbie with me. Room 210."

Without another word, he turned away from them and climbed the stairs to the bedrooms four at a time. None of the three had time to respond. As usual, all in all ...

Abbie nervously fiddled with her cap in her hands. That wasn't going to help her with her stupid, huge, insane, unprofessional crush on her boss. It had become more and more difficult to manage it with the passing months. At first she had taken it for admiration for him, but she must have come to admit that it was much more than that. She felt like a teenage girl who couldn't help but blush at every approval from Johnny, who would miss a heartbeat when he said her name ( or better: when a "Abigail" slipped from his mouth, even though she wouldn't admit it. No. ) ... she knew very well what he would think of all this. So, she had tried to suppress her feelings, without much success, and to cover her emotions in the office, with a little luck she would have more success.

Spend a night in the same room as Johnny Depp... her instinct was screaming at her: danger!

She swallowed hard and then greeted the security before taking the same stairs Johnny had a few minutes earlier. The motel was definitely not fancy, but she had seen worse. Room 210, that's it .

Should she knock? No ... that would be ridiculous ...

Her hands trembling slightly, she opened the door and her jaw almost dropped. There was only one bed in this room!

Seeing her come in, Johnny got up from the bed and said:

"I'm going to sleep on the floor, Abbie, don't look at me like that."

It was so much like Johnny. Code of honour, gallantry, whatever it was, but of course he suggested that he sleep on the floor and leave the bed to her.

"Don't be ridiculous. You barely slept the last few days and you've been driving all day, and..."

"And I'm old?" he said with an amused little smile.

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