Secret Hideaway PT2

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Abbie walks into the bathroom and find Johnny fiddling with an electric razor. He doesn't look like he knows what he's doing. He plugs it in and is pointing it at his head when I intervene.

Placing her hand over his and lowering the shaver, she shakes her head slowly in silent disapproval. Johnny's hair has been growing out since they got here and Abbie liked the extra length. Abbie was not letting him shave it again and ruin the effect. He looks at Abbie questioningly and she shakes her head again firmly. She confiscates the offending item and place it back in the cabinet, my eyes lighting on a pair of scissors.

Taking his arms, she guided him so that he is sitting on the rim of the bathtub. Johnny obeys docilely, watching her movements as she slings a towel around his shoulders and take the glass on the sink and fill it with water. She encourages him to tip his head back, cupping his skull and carefully pouring the water over his hair. He hums and closes his eyes as she steadily run her fingers through his hair, spreading the moisture and massaging his scalp. Her eyes caress his upturned face as he takes pleasure in her pampering, a smug smile playing about his lips. She massages him for a little longer than is really necessary then turn to the sink, retrieving his comb and the scissors. She assess him for a moment from afar as Johnny watches her attentively.

Johnny is far more compliant. He sighs happily as she steps between his legs, peering up at her as she combs his hair. Abbie puts a hand on his chin, urging his head to stay still and straight and he smirks, gaze focused on her cleavage which happens to be on a perfect level with his face. She gets to work, mostly leaving the shorter hair alone but trimming so that the delineation between the top half and the bottom half of his military style cut is not so obvious. she straddles his legs in order to reach the sides, the denim of his pants scratching her bare calves; then she climbs around into the tub to access the back and neaten behind his ears, taking pleasure in the texture and color of his thick hair as she works.

Stepping in front again, I shift close and chop at the top a little so it doesn't sit quite so flat. She rise up onto her toes, pulling the hair straight with two fingers and sniping precisely. The movement brings herself even closer to him and she feels his warm breath bathe her skin. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Johnny grunts and moves his hands from his knees to her hips, holding and caressing gently, his eyes roving slowly up over me and down again. Abbie sense his gaze like a touch, only deeper. She can feel the warmth of his body and the magnetism that pulses inexorably between us now more than ever.

His large palms skate up over her hips to my waist, smoothing deliberate circles over her ribcage and spine, disrupting her clothes. Abbie struggles to concentrate on the task, her eyes drifting closed with his exploratory, engrossed handling and her chest falling heavily as her breathing speeds up. I draw back a little, burrowing my fingers through his hair, flicking it this way and that, checking for any imperfections or irregularities. Biting her lip, she steps into him again and snip a little more, just so they can remain in this delicious position a minute longer. Abbie take her time as Johnny's hands glide covetously back down to her hips, his thumbs caressing her hip bones and fingers spreading out over her ass through her skirt.

He leans in slowly and places a lingering kiss right at the base of her throat. Her toes curl tightly against the floor tiles and one hand slips down over his cheek. He doesn't pull back at once, his nose nuzzling into her skin and his clothes brushing against her's. She hears herself moan softly, leaning into him for a moment before lowering gradually back to her feet. Looking into his eyes, she arranges his hair with both hands then tilt back his face, admiring her handiwork and her man. Johnny watches her with azure, absorbed eyes.

Abbie give him a gentle kiss. "Perfect," she whispers: "All done."

Abbie takes the towel from around his shoulders and shake the dark shards into the bathtub. Then she puts the scissors back and close the cabinet as Johnny dusts some stray hairs from his shirt.

Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Where stories live. Discover now