Secret Hideaway Final Part.

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Abby and Johnny had been back home from the cabin for a day, well he took her to her apartment and he was at home. Abby couldn't forget about Johnny though and put few things into a overnight bag and was now stood on Johnny's door step.

She squirms uncomfortably for a moment then manage to say unimaginatively: "Hi."

"Hi," he returns questioningly, then steps to the side in silent invitation.

Abby enters slowly and, as he leans in to shut the door behind her, she allows her eyes to drift shut briefly. The heady, male smell of him still disrupts my thought processes. She wonder vaguely whether it's possible to miss someone in just three hours.

"You okay?" he asks quietly after several long minutes of her staring at him.

"Miss me that much, huh?" he murmurs softly and she swats him lightly for being smug. "You okay?" he asks again, peering at my partially obscured face, a little concerned.

She nods again,. she breathes in deeply, revelling in his well-known scent. He still smells like the cabin. He holds her tighter, drawing patterns over her spine through her clothes as she digs her fingertips into his back. She loves the feel of him -- the big, strong, lean, familiar suppleness of him.

"Everything will be okay," he tells her evenly,

"I love you," she smiles brightly, sighing with relief and letting the tears fall where they must. Abby raise a hand to his jaw and whisper: "I love you so much."

"I love you," he murmurs, still bewildered by her behaviour. But he swipes at her happy tears and leans in to kiss her anyway, ducking his head from one side to the other, dropping short, teasing kisses over my mouth, as I seek to draw him deeper. When he refuses to give her what she want, she capture his face and pull him close, rising onto her toes and tugging at his lips with her own.

"C'mon," he mumbles indulgently, breaking the kiss and taking her overnight bag. hooking her fingers into his belt and follow him toward the bedroom, inspecting his ass as he climbs the stairs ahead of her. Suddenly, in his presence, she feels better.

"I want you," she tells him bluntly.

"Excellent," he exhales matter-of-factly, gazing openly at her lips.

"You want me?"

He dips his chin confidently: "More every day."

"Good, Keep it that way."

"Well--" he says, chucking bag over his shoulder: "Now that that's settled--"

Johnny falls onto the bed "Augh, Abby," he moans and collapses face down on the bed beside me: "You're killing' me."

She hums sympathetically and twist round to rub his lower back with one hand: "Want me to kiss it better?" I murmur teasingly. Much as he doesn't like to admit it, Johnny has a bad back, and it's endured far more exercise in the last two weeks than in recent years.

"It couldn't hurt," he mumbles into the bedspread as she lifts up his t-shirt and soothe the aches and creaks sometimes.

She rubs in circles for a minute or two, just warming the skin and muscle before slinging one leg over his body and carefully straddling his butt. I dig my fingers and thumbs into the resistant flesh of his lower back, massaging slowly and firmly -- it takes all my strength just to make an impact on his strong muscle and hard bulk. She presses the heels of her hands either side of his spine and work my way upwards, pushing his t-shirt out of the way as I go. Johnny takes the hint and pulls the shirt over his head and off as her hands grasp and knead the muscle of his shoulders. She leans over him, planting soft kisses on the back on his neck and down over his spine as she descend again to the base, where she digs her thumbs in forcefully causing him to arch and groan in pleasurable pain.

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