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As you entered the cabin after a three hour drive, you were taken by surprise of how beautiful it was here. You had to admit that you were looking forward to the vacation you would be spending with Johnny here, he had been really busy with different jobs over the last few months you hardly saw each other. Therefore you were extremely grateful when Johnny surprised you with a vacation to a cabin in a beautiful forest that he had rented for the both of you. Nevertheless no matter how cute the gesture was, there was one nagging thought, that didn't let you enjoy this in peace. And the whole thing didn't really get better as Johnny was closing the door behind you, invading your private space while doing so.

Johnny put his hands on your hips, trying to pull you closer to him. You were dating for quite a while now and this whole time was rather intense to put it PG rated. As you felt his hips against your body you could clearly tell that he wanted to have you moan out loud under him. But no matter how much you enjoyed having sex with him, it kind of set you off, thinking that this was the main thought occupying his mind. It made you feel insecure not knowing whether he just dated you for the awesome sex you had on a regular basis or whether he dated you because he truly loved you. And that insecurity kind of made you mad. So instead of going with the flow, you wanted to know quietly: ''Are you only thinking about fucking? Because if you do, I'm not quite sure whether I like that kind of relationship." Johnny frowned as he took a step back from you, answering. "Of course not. And you know that Y/N – don't you?" You just shrugged your shoulders, not being to sure about that.

"Baby if you don't believe me, I will gladly show you." ,Johnny said. It was no big secret that he was always up for a challenge, no matter how hard it might seem to be. ''And how exactly do you want to show me?", you wanted to know, crooking an eyebrow at him. "That's actually pretty easy. 30 days and 30 nights no sex.", Johnny exclaimed victorious while giving you one of his devilish yet handsomest smirks. You were laughing out loud as you answered: "You want to go 30 days and 30 nights without sex? You know that you can never do that. You are going to fail so hard babe."

"Tell yourself that baby, but I can assure you that I won't." he said with you smirking devilishly yourself this time as you said: "Fine, having no sex for 30 days and 30 nights. But that also means no other way to get some release. Masturbating is off the table as well." Johnny shrugged his shoulders before he answered: "No problem babe, I can do that.", before he wanted to know: ''What about the non- sexual but nevertheless intimate stuff? Like cuddling or hugging?" You smiled at him as you answered: ''Both of that is allowed, just like kissing, but nothing else." Johnny smirked down at you before he leaned in to kiss you gently, mumbling: ''Good, because I think I can manage going 30 days and 30 nights without making love to you. But I'm not sure whether I can go 30 days and 30 nights without feeling your lips on mine." If he was honest to himself, he had no idea whether he could go indeed 30 days and 30 nights without loving you passionately, but if he had to in order to prove to you that he was not just dating you because he loved having sex with you but because he loved you from the bottom of his heart, he had to somehow make it, no matter how hard it would be.

 You smiled at him mischievously as you added: "Oh and to make I extra hard for you babe - no pun intended of course- I'm going to alter the rules a little bit." He crooked an eyebrow at you as he wanted to know: "What exactly does that mean?" You gently cupped his cheek, placed a passionate kiss on his lips and whispered: "You won't get the chance to fuck me for 30 days and 30 nights. And as we already had agreed, you won't get the chance to release yourself either. Me on the other hand? Well, if I feel the need to I am allowed to let my fingers do the talking because I don't have to proof that I'm dating you in order to have sex with you because I love you as you already know." You could see that he was gulping hard, but he was nevertheless willing to accept that challenge.

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