Mystery Girl

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AJ : Hey Johnny! Can you meet me at The Ace Hotel rooftop bar after the show tonight, don't worry there will only be us lets say i know few people. Sound good?

Johnny grinned to himself, excited for the night ahead. He quickly responded.

Johnny: Sounds perfect. Can't wait!

AJ: I'll be the girl in the red dress lol.

For AJ this was going to be like a dream, she had always been a Johnny Depp fan and when she was asked by his PA to sort out the arrangements for why he was in the city to be in charge  of all the bookings for him flights, hotels etc she jumped at the chance. But she never thought he would personally message her and  ask to meet her for a drink just the two of them no security.

As he stepped out of the elevator and onto the roof, he saw AJ standing at the bar, sipping on a cocktail. She turned as she heard him approach, and a brilliant smile spread across her face. His heart raced as he made his way over to her.

"Hey, Johnny," she said, offering him a hug. As they pulled away, Johnny couldn't help but take a moment to take her in. She was even more beautiful in person than he had imagined. She was tall, her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes sparkled in the dim light of the bar. The red dress she wore hugged every curve on her body.

As the two sat down, they ordered their drinks and began to chat. It wasn't long before the conversation turned flirtatious.

"I can't believe we're meeting," AJ said, a light pink blush covering her cheeks.

"I know," Johnny replied, unable to take his eyes off of her. "In a weird way, I feel like I've known you forever."

She returned his smile,"Kinda feels that way doesn't it?"

Their conversation flowed easily, and before they knew it, two hours had passed. They were finishing their drinks when AJ leaned in close to Johnny. "You know," she whispered, "I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

Johnny felt his heartbeat quicken as he leaned in closer to her. "Is that so?" he whispered back.

Without another word, their lips met in a fiery kiss. Johnny felt a surge of excitement run through him as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. Their kiss deepened, the heat between them growing by the second. As they parted, AJ looked at Johnny with lustful eyes. "Wanna get out of here?" she asked, biting her lip seductively.

Johnny didn't need any more encouragement. He took her hand and led her out of the bar and towards the elevators. As they stepped in Johnny pressed Aj against the wall, kissing her deeply as his hands roamed over her body. She moaned, running her hands through his hair. Finally, they reached Aj's room and Johnny pushed her back against the door as he kissed her with raw passion. He could feel himself growing harder by the moment as he pressed himself against her, grinding himself into her. They stumbled towards the bed, tearing each other's clothes off in a frenzy of desire. Soon, they were naked and writhing in each other's arms, lost in the moment.

Johnny knelt between her outstretched legs and dove his tongue into her wetness. She gasped, arching against him. He parted her gently with his fingers, licking faster and more insistently as she moaned. Pulling his tongue away for a moment he bit at the soft skin of her inner thigh and slid two fingers into her. Her breath caught in her chest, poised on the edge of release. "Johnny." she moaned roughly, grabbing at the sheets, grinding herself against his long fingers. He leaned back down to lap at her clit over and over as he continued to finger fuck her.

With one last swirl of his tongue, she let out a shuddering cry of pleasure as her orgasm took hold. Johnny felt the wave of pleasure ripple through her body and he surged up to join her. His lips found hers as he slid himself between her legs. With one powerful thrust, they both gasped in pleasure as they clung to each other. His thrusts were slow and controlled at first, she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him even deeper into her as he increased his pace. Johnny turned her on her stomach, pressing his body against hers, picking up her hips and pushing himself into her wetness. Aj let out a loud moan, urging him faster and harder. A few droplets of sweat fell from his face onto her lower back as he fucked her with a fever pitch. "You takin' this dick so good." he grunted, gripping her hips even harder.

"Ahhh." Aj moaned, pushing herself into him, meeting his rhythm. "Harder!" she commanded, looking over her shoulder.

"You want all this dick, don't cha baby girl." Johnny's hips slammed into her over and over, their breathing becoming labored as they moved faster and faster. Finally, Johnny let out a low guttural groan as he felt himself ready to explode. But he didn't stop. He kept thrusting, pushing her further and further. His hips rocked against hers as he felt himself getting ever closer. Finally, with one final thrust, they both let out a loud cry of pleasure. Aj let out a soft moan as she felt his warmth fill her.

Johnny rolled onto his side, facing Aj. He brushed her hair away from her face and gently kissed her forehead. "That was amazing," he said softly.

Aj smiled and snuggled closer to him, "It was," she said with a satisfied sigh. As they lay, sweat glistening on their skin, Johnny smiled to himself and held her close. He had never felt so complete in his life, and he knew that he had found something very special with his mystery girl. Aj smiled and snuggled closer to him, feeling completely content. She traced the patterns of the tattoos that adorned his chest with her finger as she let out a soft sigh.

"So," Johnny said softly, tracing circles on her lower back, "think we can make this an ongoing thing?"

Aj smiled and leaned in to kiss him, "I think," she said, her voice filled with emotion, "that would be perfect."

Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Where stories live. Discover now