Just A Job Final Part

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It had been 2 weeks since Kate told Johnny that it was nothing to do with him who she was dating. They both though still felt there was something there between them each day felt like it dragged Kate thought, but Johnny could feel it and it was only 9 in the morning. He looked up from some work and he noticed that Kate was staring off into outer space. Johnny studied her and wondered what she was thinking about, he had few people sat round the table but he could see Kate in the outer office through the glass doors. He decided to send her an IM

J-Depp: What are you thinking about?

He watched her jump as her computer beeped. She opened the message and blushed furiously. Now Johnny was intrigued. Whatever she was thinking about, she didn't want him knowing about it. He turned off the volume on his computer so the other people in his office wouldn't know they were IM-ing.

K_Todd: Nothing. She also turned her computer volume off.

J- Depp: Sure... why won't you tell me it's private on here come on tell me?

K_Todd: because it's embarrassing and private! I swear, you're almost as bad as my girlfriends wanting know everything!

J-Depp: Nah... your girlfriend would have black mailed you by now lol

K_Todd: very true...

J-Depp : So if you don't tell me, I'm gonna have to dump some more paperwork on you!

K_Todd: Johnny! You are bad! Black mail is not nice...

J-Depp: No not blackmail, you said you were grateful if i was concerned for you, well Now what were you thinking about?

Kate looked over at him to see him smirking at her. She glared at him. Maybe it was time she let him know exactly how she felt.

K_Todd: Fine! If you must know, I was thinking about... well... you! OK? There I said it!

Johnny stared at the message. She was thinking about him? What kind of thoughts...?

J-Depp: What kind of thoughts?

Kate glared at him to see him smirking at her again. Fine, if he wants to know, I'll tell him! It'll wipe that smirk right off his face.

K_Todd: I was thinking about your cock...

She looked up at him and smirked when she watched him almost spill his coffee.

Johnny was dumbfounded. He was expecting her to say something like she had slept with someone on his team or something, but... his cock? He wasn't going to deny he'd had fantasies about Kate, very dirty fantasies that would make her smack him if she knew. But now... maybe she wouldn't smack him. He looked at her to see her smirking at him. OK, if she wanted to play that game he'd play right back.

J- Depp: Tell me what you want to do with my cock.

K_Todd: I want to suck on it so hard. I'd swirl my tongue around the head a couple times and then flick the tip with the tip of my tongue. After that, I'd take you so deep in my mouth... and suck hard. I'd nibble gently and scrape my teeth along your length and tickle the underside with my tongue. I'd take you all the way in till your tip hits the back of my throat. And I'd be tugging and massaging your balls till I'm ready to take them in my mouth too...

Johnny sat frozen at his desk. His pants had gotten incredibly tight. He looked up at Kate who winked at him before turning back to her computer.

K_Todd: By the way: I swallow.

Johnny choked and bent his head down to try to catch his breath. "Boss, you alright?" Tony asked. "I'm fine,!" he barked.

J-Depp: Wow Kate... those are incredibly naughty thoughts!

Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat