Breaking The Walls PT2

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[well seems my first part was taken OK and some have asked for more but like i said i am going to draw it out abit]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Once the pizza arrived, Johnny helped Stella set out plates and got their drinks out to the living room. He'd told Stella that they could do whatever he normally did, not wanting to upset her any more than she had been earlier. And Johnny could tell that Stella was still jumpy and was trying to figure some things out for himself. "Come here, Stella," Johnny finally said from the sofa. "You need to eat."

"I know, it's just that, I don't know, it's like I can't turn off my mind right now," Stella said as she sank down onto the sofa next to Johnny. "I keep seeing Jake in the interrogation room in that scene, the look in his eyes and I just know that could have been me."

Johnny pulled Stella in against him and wrapped her into a hug. "It could have been," he agreed softly. "But it wasn't. You helped out the only way you knew how, you opened yourself up to some very painful memories in order to help someone else and that shows more courage than a lot of people ever do. You can't go back on that now and starve yourself to death."

"I don't think missing one meal will could as starving myself," Stella said with a small smile.

"I'd rather not risk it." Johnny kissed Stella's cheek

"You're not having second thoughts about this, are you?" Johnny asked.

"No, I wouldn't ever toy with you like that," Stella said quickly. "I was just trying to figure out what else I wanted. I know I want to be taken care of, protected and loved, but it's like there's something else hanging just outside my reach and I can't figure it out."

"Stella, let me tell you this much," he said. "No matter what happens between us, what you want or need, nothing will drive me away from you. The only way things will ever end between us is if you tell me point blank to get out of your life. I don't want you to be embarrassed about anything you want or need. You just need to tell me and I'll do my best to help you with it."

"What's going to happen at work?" Stella asked.

"We'll continue to do things the way we always have," Johnny replied.

"The team wouldn't care," Johnny said. "There would be those who objected and I know that things would be hard on you. This is our secret until you make the choice to tell people. But I promise that the lads will figure out that there's something go on. You know that."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't mind with them," Stella said. She turned her head towards Johnny. "Um, could you."

Johnny smiled at his lover and leaned over, kissing her gently.

"Stella, I need you to tell me the truth about something," Johnny said. "I know you've told us that your step father was a bully, but how bad was it?"

"Bad," she said. "Johnny, I'm already going to have nightmares tonight. Can I tell you about this another time? Please?"

"I won't pry, but I need to know so I can help you," Johnny said. "I know you've been keeping things bottled up inside for a long time, Stella, and just talking about them will help you. Not only to heal, but with the nightmares as well. I learned that first hand."

"your ex?"

"And Steve. wouldn't leave me alone once he found out that I was having trouble sleeping and was wandering the grounds of the house all night," Johnny said. "he forced me to sit down and talk with him after a while, and it helped. It hurt like hell, but it helped."

"he's a force to be reckoned with at times, isn't he?" Stella asked.

"he is, and that's one reason I wanted to warn you about him," Johnny replied. "he'll probably be the first one to figure out that we're together. he'll talk to us separately, you to make sure you're okay and me to be sure I know what I'm doing. Then he'll warn me not to hurt you and that will be that."

"I can live with that," Stella said

''Stella what are your boundries in the bedroom''?

''Well don't really have any, as not had anyone in there, i use to stay at my exs place''

"Then I'll move slow, but you have to promise you'll tell me if anything makes you feel uncomfortable," Johnny said. "For tonight I think I just want to get you as relaxed as possible so you can sleep without too much fear. I'll be right there with you incase of a nightmare."

"What do you want to do?"

Johnny smiled and kissed Stella's neck softly. "I'd like to start learning your body," he said. "But if you'd rather stay dressed then I think that we can work something out. You'll find that I'm fairly creative in the bedroom. And that's a good thing."

"I guess I've just never had anyone willing to see the real me before," Stella said. She shifted around a little until she was straddling Johnny's hips and leaned in for another kiss. "Thank you for being willing to do that, Johnny."

"Stella, I've always known that you were special," Johnny said. He kissed Stella again, letting his tongue slide out for the first time. He pulled back when he felt Stella freeze. "It's okay."

"You just took me by surprise," Stella said. She leaned back in and kissed Johnny again. She focused more on the sensations running through her body than the physical things that Johnny was doing to his mouth. He could feel that his body was starting to respond as well. "Johnny ."

"Are you ready to try and go to bed, or do you want to stay out here for a while longer?" Johnny asked.

"We need to clean up," Stella said.

"Let's do that, then," Johnny said. He kissed Stella again softly. "Then I want you to take a shower and go to bed. I'll be there waiting for you."

Johnny Depp One Shots PART 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora