88 Anna's POV

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I didn't know what to say, so I just stood when Colby did and followed them down to the car. "Want me to drive?" Sam asked him, holding out his hand for the keys. Colby passed him the keys and murmured a passing 'thanks.' I opened the car door and climbed into the backseat. I don't know why, but I didn't really expect Colby to sit back here with me with this time, so I was a little surprised when he slid in next to me. Sam started the car, and Colby took my hand in his without a word. None of us spoke on the long ride. I spent the time staring out the car window at the moon above us. The further out of the city we got, the clearer and brighter it became. It had been a long time since I had really paid attention to the moon, or seen it without that hazy sheen that used to coat my vision. I felt Colby look at me a few times, but I kept my eyes trained to the outside world. I didn't know what to say to him. It was my fault that he and his friends were int his mess. If I had just kept my stupid doll mouth shut, then none of this would be happening right now. They wouldn't be in danger and I'd still be fading in and out of the Darkness with the pain as my only friend. That was preferable to what I feared would happen next. They didn't know how strong Lilith was. It wasn't just the pain that she inflicted or the demons that she used as her minions. It wasn't even the hallucinations that she could cause or the way she left me hanging somewhere between life and death. What I feared more than anything was the connection between her and myself. I feared that she would come for us, sooner rather than later, and that she would use that connection to force me to hurt Colby. To hurt my friends. She was sadistic and evil. I knew that would be poetic justice in her eyes, for him taking me away from her. I still wasn't sure why I was so fucking important to her. It didn't make sense. There were billions of people in the world, so why was I so special? And how was the Dream Walker supposed to help us? He dealt with dreams and the spirit realm, so what good was he going to be here? It wasn't like we could travel to the demon realm, like they did last time. She would be 100 times stronger on her on turf. She had to have a weakness though...right? My brain whirred around, trying to remember every tiny detail that I could from my time with her. Maybe I overheard something, or maybe she even told me something that was important. She loved to talk while she tortured me. The pain had kept me from hearing most of it, but maybe it was buried somewhere in my mind, beneath the memories of the pain. If she were using me to spy on them...that thought made me feel dirty and unclean. Like I wanted to shower and scrub my skin raw to try and eradicate her from myself. If she were using me though, then wouldn't she know that we were going to see Ash? Wouldn't that put him in danger too? I propped my chin in my free hand and balanced my elbow on the door. My mind drifted away from the awful things and back to the time that I had spent with Devyn and the other girls. What had started out awkward, turned into an amazing night. After I heard so many hilarious stories about Colby and the other guys, Xepher had showed up quite a few packs of pretty colored drinks in glass bottles. I recognized them as wine coolers. Even if I hadn't really drank before the trip with Colby, that didn't mean that I hadn't been around it. Xeph had offered me one with a slight smile. "Tara said that you weren't much of a drinker, so I thought we could just enjoy a few light drinks," she said. I started to decline but then thought why? I was a grown woman with a second chance at life. There were so many things that I had missed out on the first time. It didn't have to be a bad thing to get a buzz with my friends. I didn't have to get uncontrollably drunk. I didn't have to drive anywhere, or do anything except hang out with a few girls. I could do that. I took the drink from her and smiled. "Thanks," I replied. She nodded and passed them out to the rest of the girls. "So, what's it like dating the infamous Colby Brock," Cassie asked, laughing, after everyone had their drinks. I took a swallow of mine and enjoyed the strong taste of fizzy peach on my tongue. "Why would you call him infamous?" I asked, dodging the question. "Yeah, right!" she laughed out. Her laughter slowly faded out, while she held my confused gaze. "You're serious?! Wait, you don't know about him and Sam? Their YouTube channel?" I shrugged and drank more of my drink. I didn't taste any alcohol at all so there couldn't be much in it. "He told me about it and I've watched a few videos, but I didn't think they were famous, famous or anything. He told me that they were well known in certain circles." "They're not famous, famous," Tara spoke up, rolling her eyes. "No, you're right, they're not...," Cassie replied. "But they are really well known in the YouTube community. I called Colby infamous because he has a horde of fan girls that fawn over his every breathe. I just assumed that you knew who he was...huh." "I can see how he would have a lot of girls wanting him," I murmured, thinking about his eyes. "Colby's a great guy, but he's just Colby," she said, shrugging like she didn't understand it. The other girls nodded in agreement. "He's cute enough but he's also a total dork," Tara replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Jake is too though, so I guess I get it." "Corey too," Devyn replied, smiling. "They all are. Kat would tell you that Sam is too, if she were here." "I don't know," I replied. "I think they're more goobers than dorks. Sort of goofy but in a cute way." "A what now?" Xepher asked, raising her eyebrow. I laughed and remembered that they didn't know some of the words that I was used to using. "A goober. It's an old term that my mom used to use. I guess I still use it all these years later," I replied. 

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