118 Anna's POV

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I don't think that it will be as effective, but it's entirely up to you to make this choice. If you choose not too, there won't be any hard feelings. I know that this is a lot to take on, so I will give you until tomorrow night to decide. The sooner we start planning and working the spell, the better prepared we will be." Sam and Colby exchanged a glance, while Katrina chewed on her lip nervously. I put my half eaten sandwich down and pushed my plate back. I had suddenly lost my appetite. "We'll think about it," Colby replied. He took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. "You're right. It is a lot to take on. We'll let you know by tomorrow night." Ash nodded and picked the papers back up. He slipped the paper clip on them, then slid them back into the manilla envelope. "Until then, we can enjoy this food and celebrate our lost loved ones. Here's to Amethyst," he said, holding up his cup. The rest of us did the same and toasted to the witch that had helped to save my life. The rest of the evening was uneventful. Some of the witches stopped by to say hello, but most of them stuck to their own corners, regarding us like we were infected with some contagious disease. "Don't worry about them. They just don't understand why you're here. They don't know the whole story," Ash said, waving his hand in dismissal. So, we didn't worry about them. We ate our food, drank a few drinks, and laughed at some of Ash's stories of Amethyst. Considering that it was a funeral, we had a pretty good time. "I wish you guys could've seen her!" Ash was laughing, while wiping tears from his eyes. "She really said that-" He stopped talking abruptly and a soft smile crossed his lips, while he looked passed us. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and gasped. She stood there. I hadn't ever seen her. Not really, but I knew it was her. Amethyst smiled gently and nodded her head at me, before turning her attention back to Ash. "Do you guys see her?" I whispered to Colby, scared to disturb whatever was happening. Around us, the world was still turning, laugher ringing through the mess hall, along with sobs. Nothing had changed, except for our little corner. "See who?" Colby whispered back. "Amethyst," I replied, quietly. "She's here?" he exclaimed, loudly. I smacked his arm as a reflex. "SHHH!" I exclaimed. "Sorry," he whispered. "Why is she here?" "How the hell should I know, Colby?" I retorted, keeping my voice low. "Amy," Ash whispered. She walked around the table,  towards him. He stood, with a look on his face that was half sorrow and half happiness. "Hello, Ash," she said softly smiling at him. Tears started to roll down his face and I noticed that the others in the mess hall were starting to notice us. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I miss you so much already," he said, hanging his head. She reached out her ghostly hand and put it on his shoulder. "Don't be sorry. This was supposed to happen. It was already written. I'm at peace," she replied. He looked up at her. "What's happening?" Colby whispered. "They're having a conversation," I whispered back. "Shhh." Sam and Katrina were watching Ash with wide eyes. "Then why are you here, if you're at peace," Ash asked. She smiled again and looked up, then back to him. "To say goodbye," she responded, a sad smile on her face. "And to wish you luck on what's coming next. It won't be easy. Lilith may not know love, but she's still a force to be reckoned with. You have to be careful. You can't make a mistake. Defeating her will define the way the world is in the future. It's up to you. Up to all of you." She looked around at all of us at the table, then her eyes rested on me. "Anna," she said, smiling at me. "It's good to see you alive and in person." My heart clenched inside my chest when I remembered that I was the reason that she was a ghost in the first place. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you, Amethyst. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I replied, as tears welled up in my eyes. She took my hand in hers and patted it. "Don't be. This is how it is supposed to be. Your life was stolen from you. All I did was point the way for you to get it back. You aren't supposed to leave this existence yet. It isn't your time. You have important work that you need to do. It's not going to be easy and you will get drained, frustrated, and tired of it. But, the satisfaction that you will get from helping others will be enough for you. You're a good person, Anna. You have a special light inside of you and you've found the other half that will keep that light burning." Her eyes slid to Colby, then back to me. "Take care of each other. Fight for each other. That light will burn a hold right through the Darkness. Do not be afraid. We will be there to fight with you one last time." She let go of my hand, leaving me confused. I started to ask her what she meant, exactly, but she started speaking to Ash again. "Ash, I will always be around when you need me. Just call for me. The ancestors will be with you for this battle. Don't lose hope. I love you so much, my friend." She placed her hand on his cheek, smiled, then her image started to fade. "Goodbye, my dear friend," he whispered. He stood there for a moment, staring at the place where she had disappeared. "Was that Amethyst?" I glanced over to the person who was interrupting this special moment. A witch, dressed in the familiar white robes, stood at the edge of our table, next to Kat. "Did she visit you? Is she okay?" Her voice was high pitched and shaky. Ash smiled at the young girl. "It was. She's at peace, Daria. Do not worry about her. She's always watching over us. You know that," he replied. I watched as a tear slipped out of her eye and down over her cheek. "Thank you, Ash. I miss her so much. I- I tried to save her. I did! But the blast knocked me out. 

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