2 Levi

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I can't believe she pulled my boot off and dropped it in the dirt. She didn't need to grab my leg. It was unnecessary. She was completely safe.

I'll have to admit, I didn't anticipate the boots being too large, but she definitely wouldn't have died or even gotten hurt in my hands. I'm the only one that can hurt her; not gravity, not titans, no one. I have the power to defy all of them.

All but one. And I payed the price.

"The next time you think you're going to fall, prepare to save yourself, not grab the leg of whoever you want." I keep my voice even out of habit. I know it makes people uneasy, my lack of expression.

"Sorry, sir." She avoids my gaze and I know she thinks it's my fault. It was her fault for hesitating, and that reaped a punishment.

"Make sure you get a smaller size of boots."

"Yes, sir."

"Today, you're going to learn triple and four-way maneuvers." I watch her expression as she realizes there are only two of us. "I asked Captain Herga and Corporal Frel to come out and help."

She looks surprised. I'm putting the pressure on her purposefully. I'm confident she can take it.

"They're meeting us at the edge of the forest after they have breakfast."

"Are you sure... I'm ready, sir?"

"No," I say. "Get ready to prove it."

She nods.

"Now go run a mile or something." I turn away. I know she's hesitating.

"I'll do something, sir."

This causes my eyebrows to rise slightly. They fall back down quickly and I turn to her.

She pulls two of the blades out of her sheaths and asks, "Spar?"

I don't respond, just do likewise. I realize I gave her a freedom to choose what to do.

It's a very rare feeling for me, but I don't know why.

I'm going to say it's because he subconsciously feels bad for dropping her. Very very very subconsciously.

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