The Arcade

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George looks down at his watch. "7:00 am." He continues the walk down the sidewalk until he arives at the very familiar fork in the path. He was running a bit earlier than usual, so instead of taking his usual route back to his house, he takes the left path. It leads him to the old train tracks in his small town that hadn't been used since the early 1990's when a man was stabbed and tied to the tracks to be run over.

George shivered, remembering the news stories on the awful tragedy. Apparently, a man by the name of Nick stabbed his boyfriend Karl and tied his body to the train tracks. The thing that concerned cops most, was Nick's body was found slumped against a tree nearby with a knife in his chest.

George continued walking alongside the train tracks until he found a small overgrown dirt path that led into the woods that hid the train tracks from the main roads. Curiosity got the better of George as he took one final glance at his watch and started making his way along the path, occasionally sidestepping to avoid overgrown and muddy parts of the path from the recent rainfall.

He followed the path for what felt like an eternity until it abruptly stopped infront of an old building. He found a large sign in the bushes beside the entrance that read, "Nick and Karl's Arcade!" George's eyes lit up at the idea of such an old and rustic arcade that no one knew still existed. He had always enjoyed exploring old abandoned buildings, ever since he was a little kid. So it was understandable when he opened the door to the building, the hinges whining in protest, and walked in.

The building was small, with small tables in the middle used to house parties and for parents to keep watch of small children while the enjoyed a cup of coffee and a slice of pizza. The carpet floor was decorated with little confetti designs that gave off major 80's vibes. Old 80's style arcade machines lined the walls. To George's surprise, the entire building was very clean and kept. He explored around the rest of the building. Into the kitchen, behind the prize counter, and in the storage room. The whole building was completely spotless. Even the kitchen looked like it had been cleaned yesterday, which was strange, knowing the building hadn't been used in 30 years.

George decided to take a closer look around at the games along the walls. He saw iconic old-school games like pac man, and tetris, that had been popular when the arcade was open for business. He had recognized the 80's theme almost emediently, and had even been able to find games that his parents had told him about.

As George walked down the isle of games on the far wall by the bathrooms, he noticed something out of place.

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