The Stuffed Toy

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George understood then that the stuffed toy was infact ment for him, as a gift for cleaning the claw machine. But he didn't understand where it had come from or how the gift had.been left for him. He hugged the stuffed toy tight to his chest before cafuly placing it on the ground and grabbed his wet sponge back out of the bucket.

George continued his cleaning, scrubbing the dirt and grime away and leaving behind a beautiful machine that looked almost knew. Almost. There were a few spots where George couldn't clean completely, including a little dirt smile that he was sure wasn't there earlier. He finished the top of the machine and was done, so he decided to look deeper into the mystery of the stuffed toy. He dried his hands on his jeans and carefully picked the toy up, holding it close to his chest to keep it safe.

George held the toy in his left hand, and placed his right on the glass of the claw machine. George glanced down at the joysticks used to control the claw, whe he glanced back up, there was a man that looked about his age sitting inside of the machine. The man's left hand was pressed against the glass aligned with his hand. Strangest of all, the stuffed toy George had been holding was gone.

The man moved his hand to grab a piece of paper, and held it up for George to see.

"My name is Clay." George read aloud. "I'm George, George Davidson." George said, he felt confused, but also safe talking to the man inside the machine.

"Nice to meet you, George Davidson." A deep voice greeted George as the man disappeared and re appeared outside of the machine. George looked up at the man, who despite him being around George's age, stood a lot taller than him.

"What are you doing here?" George questioned the man.

"I could ask you the same question, but this is my home." Clay responded.

"What?" George had so many questions but before he could ask them, Clay went disappeared and re appeared in the claw machine before disappearing completely. There lying infront of the machine was the same little stuffed toy and a key with a note reading, "I'll see you tomorrow George Davidson."

George picked up the stuffed toy, and pushed the machine back into the corner before he started his walk home. As he left the arcade, he closed the door tight and he decided to try the key on the door. The old skeleton key fit in the door perfectly and George made sure to lock it before taking the key out and starting his walk back home, holding both the key and the stuffed toy in his hand against his chest.

When he arived back at his house it was almost noon. George hadn't realized he had been gone that long, but he didn't mind. When he walked in, Alex was sitting on the couch. He gave George a confused look, regarding how late he was, his slight dirtyness, and the small stuffed toy and key in his hand.

"What took you so long? And what's up with all that?" He asked, gesturing to George's hand and his dirty clothing.

"I uh, bought the Stuffed toy, fell and found the key?" George lied.

Alex was very suspicious and confused, but decided not to jeopardize his and George's friendship and left him alone.

George ran up to his room and carefully set the Stuffed toy on his bed before he set the key on his desk, changed out of his dirt covered clothes, and sat at his computer to get to work.

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