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"Um, hey Clay? Can I ask you a question?" George asked.

"You just did dummy." Clay responded.

"Wow. Thanks. But can I?"

"Go for it man." Clay responded.

"First, what happened yesterday? Also, why were you here yesterday and today?" George questioned.

"Well, to answer your first question, I wanted to thank you for cleaning up my claw machine, so I gave you a special toy. And, well, I guess I just better tell you and get it over with. George, I am a ghost. I died in this arcade 30 ish years ago. My body was hidden in the woods, but my soul possessed my favorite game. Dream, the claw machine. This arcade is my home, and because you were my first visitor in about 30 years, I guess I grew attached to you." Dream gave George the answers he knew he didn't want to hear, blushing slightly at the end.

"Ok, wow. That is the last thing I expected. " George and Clay sat in silence for several minutes as George took I all of the new information. He knew that he should have been scared of Clay because of that, but he seemed to relax a little more. He thought that for the most part, that was all he needed. But there was one thing that he still didn't understand, and it bothered him. So he decided to just ask.

"Ok wait, so what is so special about the strange little stuffed animal you gave me?" George questioned.

"It is one of the few things that I can actually posess, duh."

"So because the claw machine is what you are attached to, you can posess the toys in it?" George continued.

"See? You get it! Didn't even have to ask." Clay responded, a large grin on his face.

"What's so special to you about the claw machine? And why do you keep it so clean in here?" George felt like he had a million questions, but inevitably they would all grant him the same response.

"It was just my favorite. I always used to come in on the weekends and sit and play the claw machine all day, I've never won though. I guess I just like the stuffed animal's. And I just want to preserve the old building, it ment a lot to me in my living years."

George looked over his shoulder at the old 1970's claw machine. He looked past the old paint, looking for something more.

"Can I call you Dream?" George asked suddenly, startling the ghost out of his thoughts.

"Um, parden?" Clay asked, confused.

"As a nickname. You like the Dream claw machine, so how about I call you Dream?"

"That would be nice. And can I call you cutie?" Dream asked, blushing.

George's face lit up a crimson red color that he hid with his hands. Dream sat across from George, waiting for his answer.

"I- I guess. Sure, why not?" George replied after what felt to Dream like an eternity. George glanced down at his watch and sighed. It was already 8:30, Alex would start to get worried, but he just wasn't ready to leave the ghost behind.

"Are you able to leave the arcade? Oh wait, I suppose you can, huh?" George tried to make a conversation so that he didn't have to leave.

"Yeah, I can. I assume you want me to come with you huh?" Dream asked.

"Y-yeah, I was hoping you could." George's blush only deepened.

"Well cutie, I can only leave if there isn't sunlight. The sun will burn me, and rain will melt me." Dream looked down at the table. He didn't want to see George's face looking crushed. But the look George gave was anything but.

"Well in that case, I will just have to come back for you tonight after sunset!"

Dream's head snaped up to look George in the eyes. George had a look of confidence on his face, one that only George could have in this situation.

"I- uh, I haven't been outside in so long. Of course, I was in your room this morning, but that's the farthest I've gone in years." Dream felt a strange feeling, he couldn't understand what it was, until he looked back at George.

Dream felt hopeful.

~The Arcade~DSMP//DNF//fluffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora