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Everyone had eaten except Ranboo. It was getting to be almost lunch time and Ranboo had not returned from the other room. Tommy and Tubbo were arguing over what game was better, Karl and Alex were laughing about something between just the two of them and George was talking to Dream.

He was trying desperately to pay attention to George, but he kept getting distracted. Dream's mind kept wandering to what his relationship with the man was. He knew they would be considered friends, but he didn't know if after last night George thought of them to be more then that. Dream couldn't help but wish it was more then just friends.

"What do you think Dream?"


"What do you think?" George repeated.

"I uh- I wasn't paying attention." Dream admitted, I light pink blush crept onto his cheeks.

"It's alright, never mind."

Dream felt bad for ignoring George, he hated making him upset. Dream made sure to pay closer attention to George, he was interested in what the man was saying, but his mind was racing with thoughts. He thought of George and her, but his mind mostly ran with thoughts about Ranboo and his guitar. Dream hoped that Ranboo could actually fix it, and hadn't just said that to make in feel better.

As if his thoughts had been said out loud, Tubbo politely approached their table.

"Hey, sorry to bother but have either of you seen Ranboo anywhere?" Tubbo's kind voice was comforting.

"No, I haven't seen him all morning, sorry," George replied.

Tubbo's joy fell slightly, anyone could see how much the three cared for each other.

"I talked to him a bit earlier, but he kinda just disappeared after that." Dream said, he felt bad for lying, but it had to be done.

"Alright, thank you. Keep your eyes out for him please," Tubbo said before walking away.

"Of course," George replied after him.

Tubbo returned to Tommy, who was swearing at the game he had stubbed his toe on. George continued talking with Dream about random little things. Dream loved how George always knew how to fill silence.

Dream and Alex had made lunch, and the group were seated at their respective tables eating. Ranboo was still nowhere to be seen. Dream had cleaned up dishes, and was now in the kitchen quietly scrubbing away the mess they had made making food. Dream was so distracted by his cleaning and the music George had decided to put on that he didn't hear Ranboo enter.

"Ranboo! Where the hell have you been?" Tommy asked.

"Sorry to worry you guys, I was roaming and found some things that caught my attention. Nothing real interesting." Ranboo replied, remembering Dream's words to not tell the others.

"Whatever, just don't do that shit again bossman," Tubbo said, coming to Tommy's side. Tommy rested his arm on Tubbo's head; as the boy was much shorter then the other two.

Tubbo and Tommy pulled Ranboo after them as they played games. When the two had gotten board and moved on to playing catch with a bean bag from behind the counter, Ranboo used the opportunity to ask George where Dream was.

"Hey, do you know where Dream's at? I have to ask him a question." Ranboo lied.

"Oh. Yeah, he's in the kitchen." George replied, as he cracked the monster Alex had brought him the night before.

"Alright, thanks!" Ranboo said before walking calmly into the kitchen.

"Hey man," Ranboo said when the door shut.

Apparently Dream hadn't heard him enter, because he jumped and threw his sponge in the air.

"Sorry." Ranboo apologized when the sponge landed on the floor. "Your um- your guitar is done." Ranboo said as Dream bent to pick up the sponge. "I hope you like it, I was somewhat limited with things I could use. But if not I can always redo it with better supplies!" Ranboo said.

"Thank you, I really do appreciate it." Dream replied. "I'm sure it'll look great,  but I'm going to wait to get it until everyone goes to bed."

"May I ask why?" Ranboo asked hesitantly.

"I don't want them to know I play. It's just some stuff that happened in my past," Dream said, smileing at the tall teenage boy.

"Alright well, I'll leave you to clean before I make you drop your sponge again." Ranboo giggled quietly as he waved Dream goodbye and returned to the main room to break up the fight that had started between Tubbo and Tommy.

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