Against All Odds

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As Karl sat down with Alex, they began lighty chatting about nothing. George was still giggling quietly about Dream's actions, and Dream just blushed beside him. They didn't even notice the movement on the other side of the counter.

As he woke up there was a tight feeling in his stomach, he realized that Tubbo, his best friend, had grabbed ahold of him in his sleep. Tommy tryed squirm out of Tubbo's surprisingly tight grip but he bumped into Ranboo, Tubbo's friend. Ranboo's eyes opened, he noticed right away that he wasn't in the old train car where the three were left.

As Tommy finally managed to squirm out of Tubbo's grip, he sat up only to hit his head on a bucket full of bouncy balls, knocking it off of the rack and sending bouncy balls bouncing all over the floor and the bucket onto Tubbo's head.

"Fuck, my head!" Tommy groaned. Scratching the top of his head where he hit the bucket.

"You're so dumb."

Tubbo sat up holding the bucket with only two bouncy balls left, a little blue one, and a green one.

"Did you throw this at me? Jerk." Tubbo asked.

"No I didn't throw it at you! I just hit my fuckin head on it and it hit you!" Tommy yelled back.

"Can you two stop yelling for two fucking seconds? There'speople here!" Ranboo yelled.

The other two looked around them, seeing a strange room. They looked to see two men in their 20's stareing at them. One sat on top of what looked like a prize counter, and the other sat in a chair beside him. Another man approached the counter on the other side, Ranboo smiled.

"Ah I see you guys are awake, how are you feeling? Is your head ok?" Karl asked.

"I'm fine." Tommy said, not wanting to cause problems.

"Who are you?" Ranboo asked.

"Ah where are my manners. I'm Karl, this is George, Dream, and back there is Alex." Karl said, gesturing to everyone.

"I'm Tubbo!"


"Call me Ranboo."

"Why are you on the fucking counter? And where the fuck are we?" Tommy yelled, referring to George.

"I broke my ankle trying to get here, no big deal." George answered. "This is an old arcade, it was the closest place where we could get you three out of the cold."

"Du-" Tommy was muffled by Tubbo, who had put his hand over Tommy's mouth to prevent him from being rude.

"Thank you for helping us, sorry about the mess." Tubbo said.

"It's alright, this place needed a good cleaning again anyway." Dream said, "but can I ask how you three ended up out there in that old train car in this weather?"

The three fell silent, even Tommy slumped against the wall and didn't speak. Dream knew he struck a nerve, but he couldn't help his curiosity.

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