Peaceful Dreams

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Dream pov

I woke up in the field once more, what used to be healthy green grass was now scorched black from flames that continued to burn in the distance. The only thing I could see amongst the ashy sky and the charred ground was the same old tree I'd visited before. It was seemingly untouched.

I stood on shaky legs, and ran as fast as I could to the tree. The more I ran the farther the tree felt, it was like the nightmare with Jenny all over again. I felt tears falling down my face, I didn't understand why. I couldn't control my body as my arm flew up, reaching out desperately for the old tree as flames crept closer and closer.

The once rainy sky that the sun set peacefully over was now pitch black at midnight, the only thing in the sky was the billowing smoke. My vision fell blurry as I finally reached the old tree, a ring of flames surrounded me, leaving the only opening in the direction of the old cliff edge.

I ran down the path, not knowing why until I stopped short in my tracks, my blood ran cold. The peaceful town that was once below me was gone, all that was left was debris that the fire consumed. The man was gone, and I could only assume the worst remembering the last nightmare.

I jumped back as the cliff edge I had been standing on caved. I was left on my knees inches from the edge, my vision blurry with tears. I stood once more on shaky legs, ready to give in. All I could think to do was return to the tree, so I did.

I walked into the tree row, through the path and out to the old oak tree. I sat in the same spot I had before, starring at the place where the other man had sat. Curled into a ball with my back pressed to the tree, I held my head in my hands as the flames crept closer slowly.

A perfect ring of bright red and orange flames. They danced in the hot breeze, more and more black smoke swirled in the sky. My lungs felt hot, as I breathed in the smoke carelessly.

The beautiful field of wild flowers and healthy green grass was no more. The lush rows of flowery apple blossom trees were now dead and fallen. And the beautiful city, filled with history never to be known, was left to smolder.

The flames blew closer until they reached the tree, it didn't burn. The flames felt nice, warm but not to hot. The tree didn't burn, it was left completely untouched.

I smiled, as the flames caught to my sweater. I pulled the mask off my face and placed it to my side. And I smiled through watery eyes.


Hello everyone! I know I don't normally do this, so it's strange. But I would just like to let everyone know that I will likely take a longer time to update each chapter. School has started for me again and I have sports going on, so I don't have a lot of time.

This story is by no means over, I just need more time. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around through this story, and thanks you for all of your patience.

~ Exotic :] <3

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