Why Are You Here?

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"So wait," Alex said, "you guys are ghosts right?"

"Uh yeah, why?" Karl asked.

"So then, why are you here?"

Parden?" Dream asked.

"Ghosts are said to have a reason for being ghosts, so what is your guys' reason?" Alex asked again.

"I guess mine is just to take care of this arcade, I mean that is all I have been trying to do since I died. But I guess it is also trying to find the person that killed me." Dream said, unsure of his answer.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"Well, I guess my reason for being a ghost is-" Karl's thoughts trailed off before he looked around and saw Alex giving him a kind and welcoming look, and decided to continue. "To find out who killed Nick, and why he killed me." He finished

Everyone started at the ghost in shock. What did he mean "to find ot who killed Nick?" Dream was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean? Didn't Nick kill himself after he tied you to the train tracks?"

"Well, not exactly. Nick did kill me, that much is true, but I know him better than to think that he would kill himself. That doesn't sound like Nick at all."

"Then, was Nick killed because he killed you?" George wondered aloud.

"I think so, yeah. The police found his fingerprints on the knife that killed him because he used it to kill me, but because there weren't any other fingerprints, they just assumed that he killed himself. I just refuse to believe that he would ever do that to himself."

"Well, we will be here to help you two complete your tasks. And when you do disappear from this world, we will make sure to keep you in our memories, right George?" Alex stated passionately.

"Of course! You two deserve a peaceful pass to the afterlife, and we will be sure that you have done everything you needed to with your lives so that you are truly at peace." George said.

The four spent the rest of the morning talking, theorizing, and cleaning around the old arcade until it reached later in the day and they all decided to go exploring around the arcade and in the woods surrounding it. They left the front door, careful to avoid any sunlight that seeped through the tree tops, and began just running around and having fun. They all agreed to play a game of hide and seek.

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