The Mysterious Box

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The group sat out of the wind, the two humans completely oblivious to what their ghost friends were so uneasy about. Alex and George were joking about how were going to kill them in the woods so that they could all be ghosts together, and the two ghosts impatiently waited for them to be done so that they could keep walking.

"Maybe they're going to shove us in a milk crate and ship us off to a butcher shop." Alex joked.

"Will you two give it a rest? We aren't going to kill you so quit suggesting things like that." Karl snapped, silencing the two.

"Now let's get going before you two waist all of the night hours." Dream said.

The two got off the ground and followed the ghosts out of the woods and father along the train tracks. They walked for another hour, seemingly making no progress until they approached the strange box the two ghosts had seen.

"An old 80's style train car?" George questioned, "this wasn't here before."

"We should fins the door." Alex suggested.

"Are you insane?" George argued.

"Well there has to be a reason why it just showed up here all of a sudden! I say we figure it out."

"You are going to get the two of us killed!" Georfe shouted, startling the two ghosts.

"So be it then! What difference does it make anyway when both of our closest friends are fucking ghosts?" Alex shot back.

"You're going in alone then." George stated.

"Fine by me." Alex responded before walking around the the other side of the train car to the door.

The others crossed the trash to join him, and with the help of Dream, Alex got the door open. He took in a shaky breath and climed in. As the three stood crowded around the door, they heard the deep gasp of their friend, hesitantly, George led them all in after him.

Alex heard various gasps from his friends as they clamered into the train car behind him. George stepped into a shallow puddle in thr car. He looked down to see a trail of deep red liquid leading from the back of the train car out. Karl looked over at George and followed his eyes to the floor, another soft gasp escaped his lips as he recognized the strange liquid as a blood trail left from draging bodies out of the car.

Dream came to Alex's side, keeping his eyes fixed on the large pool of the same red liquid that the others were looking at. He refused to look farther than the pool of blood at his feet, he refused to look at the three fainted and freezing ghosts laying in the pool of blood that he stood inches away from.

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