Heat Waves

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Dream walked back over and sat with George, who was awake and giggling about the young teens fighting over the claw machine.

"Can we get some music in here?" George asked, not taking his eyes off the others.

"Yeah sure, I'm pretty sure the music system still works." Dream said, scratching the back of his head.

"Can I choose the song?!" George asked excitedly.

"I don't see why not, I'm not sure how good our technology is though."

Dream grabbed George's hand and practically carried him back to the control room. It was very small and cramped, but the two squeezed in. George's eyes lit up when he saw the old machinery. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started messing with the things, seeing if maybe there would be some way to plug it into the old machine.

George pulled out an old cord that was exactly what he was looking for. George's phone was a few years outdated and still had a headphone plug, so the double-sided connector cord was perfect.

He turned on the machine and plugged his phone in. The machine responded emediently, and George scrolled through his hundreds of Spotify playlists. He found his favorite, titled "~Heat Waves~" and pressed play.

Dream carried George back to the main area, and they sat at the same table watching the three teens mess with games. Dream listened as George sang along to the songs that played, hearing a few from what George called "his time" and singing to those aswell.

As the song playing ended, It was obvious that the next song was George's favorite.

"Sometimes all I think about is you~" played from the speakers. George smiled, resting his head in his hands. Dream glanced down as George bobbed his head side to side with the music. A soft smile spread across his lips as he watched George. The song ended, gaining angry protests from George.

"You know," Dream said, "we can go back and play it again."

George stood carefully and pulled Dream with him to the small room. George closed the door behind them and crawled past Dream to the table with the machine. He messed with his phone for a bit, and then the song began to play.

Dream glanced down at the phone, curious as to what the song was. Heat Waves by Glass Animals. George smiled, singing along to the music once again.

"You're so cute." Dream blurted, giggling at George.

A light pink blush spread across George's cheeks. Dream, realizing what he said, turned red. The room was dark, so George couldn't see Dream's blush. George smiled, dusting off the desk and sitting on it.

"You look so broken when you cry~" Without thinking, Dream pulled George in.

"Sometimes all I think about is you~"

Their lips connected.

George's heart fluttered. Dream pulled him in closer, the room seemed to get hotter as steam rolled off their shoulders. George threw his arms over Dream's shoulders as Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist. The world felt so small, they needed nothing but each other in that moment.

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