Uncomfortable Silence

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!!TW!! PANIC ATTACK!! You can skip this chapter if you need to!

Karl shivered, the room was silent. A long silent minute passed, before Karl stood suddenly and pushed his chair back into the kitchen before he ran upstairs, ignoring George and Dream's questioning looks. Karl ran up to the door to Alex's bedroom and stopped. Did he realy wat to go in there into the silence and risk waking him? Karl decided not.

He quickly strode over to the bathroom and walked in just in time. He slammed the door shut and locked it before collapsing against the wall. He curled into a tight ball, shaking. His hands flew to his head where his nails dug into his skull, he squeezed his eyes shut as tears started slowly burning his cheeks. He squealed in pain as more tears burned over old tear tracks.

As soon as George and Dream heard the slam of the door, George pulled Dream up the staircase with him and went to Alex's room. George knocked softly before opening the door and going in. George pulled Dream in after him and began trying to wake Alex from his sleep. Slowly, Alex's eyes opened to a squint at the two figures in front of him.

"George? What the hell are you doing?" He asked groggily.

George wanted to say a millionthings at once but, "Sorry to wake you, but it's important." Is all he could manage.

"What's going on?" Alex asked sitting up to look at them.

"Well there was a note left at the door for Karl, and he seems realy freaked out about it. I need you to calm him down, you two seem to get along well."

"Yeah, where is he now?" Alex asked.

"He ran to the bathroom after he read us the note."

"I'll take care of him." Alex said before getting up from his bed, grabbing his phone, and walking out of his room.

George and Dream went back downstairs as Alex sat down against the bathroom door. They sat in worry and listened.

"Karl?" Alex asked as tipped his gead to rest on the door. All he was answered with was soft, muffled sounds of panicked crying.

"I'm right here for you Karl, it's alright. You're safe here with me."

Alex grabbed his phone and went to his favorite calming Spotify playlist and picked his favorite song, "Worst Day Of My Life," and let it play quietly. Alex pressed his ear to the door, listening and praying that Karl would calm down.

Karl's sobs quieted to soft tears. He scooted over to the door and pressed his back against it, he tucked his knees back up to his chest and hugged them. He swayed to the song, and heard as it finished and Alex changed it to a nother quiet song.

"Can you open the door for me, please?" Alex asked softly, hearing as Karl rested his head against the opposite side of the door. Karl scooted away from the door and reached up slowly and turned the lock. Alex threw the door open and swept Karl into his lap in a tight hug. Alex whispered sweet nothings into Karl's ear as the last of his tears fell in a soft, steamy cloud.

"We are here for you, alright? I am here for you. I will keep you safe." Alex whispered to the ghost.

Karl smiled softly as a single, sizzling tear dripped down his cheek and fell to the floor from his chin.

~The Arcade~DSMP//DNF//fluffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora