Nightmares That Haunt Me

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Dream pov.

I awoke to the same sounds of crackling fire, horrific screams, and sirens. The all to familiar sound flooded my ears, the blurriness in my vision finally subsiding. I was stood outside the burning building, waiting impatiently for what was to come. I knew all to well what would happen, and I awaited the end when I would wake.

I heard screams as the building creeped and groaned, slowly loosing its stability. I saw a lone figure running from the door, police held me back. I screamed her name, she screamed mine. And then the building gave in. It collapsed in on itself in vivid flashes of orange and red. The building toppled, falling directly on top of my Jenny. The police holding me from running into the burning rubble let go suddenly, and I fell to the cement.

My head slammed the road, and then everything went black.

I awoke in a large open field of shining overgrown grasslands. The sun was just beginning to set in front of me, large drops of rain gently fell from the sky, oddly enough there wasn't a cloud in sight.

I finally recognized where I was when I saw the long tree row. I didn't hesitate, I pulled myself from the grass and ran. I ran as far as my exhausted body could take me, and collapsed at the base of the same old tree. The same beautiful man sat in his spot, dressed in a light blue sweater with a white box framed with red on the chest, the numbers 404 were written in neat font across the white box. He wore the same white rimmed goggles and large mushroom cap hat. His long red cape draped across the dirt, white fur covered in dots of gray framed his face and shoulders.

He slowly removed his goggles from his eyes, placing them gently on the grass beside him. The familiar heterochromic eyes stared at me, one eye made of honey and the other an unforgiving ocean of blue. His gaze shifted to the cliff in front of us, though this time instead of the empty fields the land below us was decorated with life.

A short house rested on a lake was surrounded by farms and tall buildings. I could see a hotel, a massive prison, and a large crater with an odd flag standing in the middle. I followed the beautiful man's gaze to a massive statue of a dragon surrounded by Japanese style homes, a tall mushroom house sat next to a small library that had been settled in the base of a mushroom.

The man's unseeing eyes then moved to a huge white casino with a long pathway framed by incredible water fountains. The pathway branched off to another casino, a tall skyscraper, the most beautiful pool I've ever seen, and a short statue of the Eiffel tower. It was stunning.

The man's gaze shifted to the prison for only a moment before Landing on the large crater. The tall flagpole with the odd, scorched flag wavering tall in the middle. A clean wooden bridge crossed the gap, and the light fog that clouded my vision made the crater seem to never end.

The man smiled as he settled his eyes finally on the small lake house that sat in the middle of it all. Surrounded by a lifetime of memories that had been long since forgotten. The small brick hose was beautiful, with the sunset reflecting off the rippling waves in the lake from the rain.

The man rose from his spot suddenly, starling me. He walked calmly to the edge of the high cliff, I scrambled after him. Before I could even think, he grabbed my hand. Interlocking our fingers so there was no way o could let go. He pulled me closer to the edge. Turning to me he smiled, his cold, dead gaze meeting my frightful one for only a moment before he pulled me close and jumped.

The fall was beautiful, I watched the buildings and statues around me grow closer. I looked to the man, his joyless smile still present on his lips. I saw the beautiful mess of buildings and colors as we fell, the windburn on my face wasn't as apparent as large, thick drops of rain fell aggressively from the clear sky.

And then it all went black.



I felt myself snap back into reality. My head throbbed, and I could feel cold wet drops of something falling from my scalp. I could hear someone yelling for something off in the distance. I felt my eyes crack open slightly, immediately regretting the decision as the room spun in nauseating circles. There was a figure in front of me, but it was so hard to see. The whole room was dark.

Everything was so



My eyes flew open once more, shutting tight again when I saw a bright beam of light shining on my face. I cracked one eye open a little, trying to see who was in front of me.

"Hold on for two seconds ok? I'll get Karl!"

A panic filled voice told. I recognized the voice but was too tired to try and think of who it was. There was a brief moment when I was being pulled, picked up and carried to a square box, and then I was dropped inside. It didn't last long though, I felt myself be pulled from the box, unable to do anything about it in my weak state.

Someone threw me over their shoulder. He was clearly to short to carry me, as my fingers scraped the floor. I felt myself be placed into a chair, I still couldn't see.

Everything was so bright.

I felt hands inspecting my body for something, it became impossible to keep my eyes open. I was so tired, the room was spinning again, and I could feel the pull of darkness trying to put me in a trance. It would be so easy to give in, to let sleep entangle me and let me be free of the throbbing in my head.

But I refused. I could feel the fear welling up in the two figures, I couldn't disappoint them. They sounded so familiar, speaking to each other in panicked whispers. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Will he be ok?" The first voice whispered.

"He is likely concussed." Replied the other hushed voice.

Then it clicked.

My eyes parted slowly, finally able to make out the blurry faces. Karl and Alex stared back at me in horror.

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