The Meeting

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George awoke to the ghost laying next to him in the bed. He stared at Dream as he laid huddled in a ball under the covers next to him. George quietly rose from his spot next to Dream, caful not to wake him, and made sure to close the window and his bedroom door as he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

As the sleepy ghost began to wake, he realized where he was. He felt the covers laying on top of him and knew that he was no longer in his corner. He sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes and had a good look at George's room. The only thing missing, he noticed, was George himself. Dream rose to his feet and began towards the door before remembering George's words from that night.

"I have a roomate, Alex . . . You'll have to do something about your skin."

Dream quickly rethought his plans, and decided just to sit against the head rest on George's bed. He sat resting his head against the head rest and soon got bored. He sat and waited until George came back in.

George walked into his room with his hair still wet and a towel wrapped half-heartedly around his waist. As he looked up from the doorway, he saw Dream awake and looking bored. George's face turned a bright red as Dream turned his attention to the noise. Dream stared at George standing in the doorway of his room covered by nothing but a towel. Dream's face turned a subtle light pink as he smirked at the much smaller man and his muscular and wet body.

George hid his face in his hands as he walked in, to his wardrobe, and grabbed some clothes before he walked back out to go back into the bathroom and get dressed. Dream decided to take the opportunity to search through George's clothes to see if he had anything nice that Dream could wear to meet George's roommate. Dream found an old well kept suit and decided to wear it. Dream put on the suit, and found a tie in the old wardrobe to pair with it.

George walked back into his room in a black t-shirt and jeans with his fluffy hair curly because of how wet it still was. His face was still bright red, and only deepened when he saw Dream standing beside his wardrobe adjusting his tie to fit nice around his neck.

"Did you dress up for me, Dream?" George asked in a joking tone.

Dream hadn't noticed George walk in, so his face lit up in a deep pink as soon as he saw George. Dream smirked and looked at George, finding the curlyness of his hair to be quite interesting.

"Well at least I remembered to get dressed." Dream mocked.

George's blush deepened, he looked at the ground, refusing to let the well dressed ghost see his red face.

"You don't need a suit dumbass, Alex is cool, and he doesn't realy like the fancy outfit style. Just wear your hoodie." George giggled.

"But what if I want you to wear it?"

"Just grab a shirt to wear then, I have some shirts in the back that are too big for me, aswell as some of Alex's larger jeans."

"So does this mean you will wear my hoodie then?" Dream asked hopefully.

"I guess."

So George went downstairs to let Dream get dressed, and said good morning to Alex.

"Uh, hey Alex? I want you to meet someone today, we've been hanging out a lot recently."

"Ooh does Gogy finally have a girl?" Alex asked.

George blushed subtley, he didn't know how to tell his best friend that it wasn't a woman he was interested in.

"I uh. No, i-it's actually a guy. He's realy nice, and only a few years older than me, though it doesn't realy look like it."

"Oh! Who's the lucky man then? I need a name before the face. Is he hot? I mean of course he's taller than you, but how much?" Alex asked all at once.

"Well, his name is Clay, but I call him Dream. He's probably taller than you, and yeah, he's hot." George mumbled the last part so only he could hear it.

"Ooooooh well I can't wait to meet him. When will he be here?"

"Actually, he's already here, that's why I came home so late last night." George blushed at the ground, thinking about how his energetic roomate would react to him sneeking someone home at night.

"Oh, well go get him then! Don't leave him sitting in your room dumbass!" Alex laughed at his friend.

George went back up to his room and made sure to knock before entering. Dream looked like a completely normal human, he was no longer translucent. He was dressed in a white t-shirt that fit him nicely, and a pair of jeans that were a bit to wide in the hips. George giggled and handed Dream one of his belts before Dream gave him the lime green hoodie that he had been wearing the day before. George slipped the hoodie over his head, it was plenty too big for him, but he knew how much Dream wanted to see him wear it.

The two walked hand in hand down the staircase to introduce the ghost to Alex. George introduced the two to each other, and it actually went very well. Alex made then all a cup of coffee, and the three sat, and talked, and joked around all morning. They spent the time that George had spent the past few days walking to the arcade to hang out with Dream, getting along and having a good time all together as a group.

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