Night In The Arcade

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George and Dream were still sitting watching cartoons on the TV when Alex came home from work at 5:00 pm. It was still light out for another hour and a half, so George invited Alex to join them.

"Hey Alex? Dream and I wanted to show you something tonight, but it has to be after sunset, is that alright?" George asked.

"Yeah of course dude, whad'ya gonna show me?"

"You'll have to wait and see! Trust me, it will be well worth it!" Dream chimed in.

"Ok you two weirdos."

They sat and watched TV with a cup of coffee and a plate of food that Dream cooked for them until the sun was just beginning to set beyond the horizon. They quickly finished their coffee and dinner before George ran upstairs to grab his key and Alex went to his room to put on more comfortable clothing. Dream stayed downstairs and cleaned their dishes, he wanted to be helpful and stay on Alex's good side.

The three met at the bottom of the stair case at 7:30, and began their way to the old arcade. George led the way with Dream at the very back, and they walked the rather long path to the old train tracks that were hidden by the woods at the edge of their town. They found the old grave path that led to the train tracks, and as they walked into the cleaning surrounding the tracks, Alex's eyes were huge. He had never before known that there were train tracks in their town, as they hadn't been used since the early 90's.

George led them down alongside the train tracks until he found the old gravel and dirt pathway. Alex's eyes got even bigger at the sight of the old path.

"Are you two trying to take me to another detention or something? Or maybe your gonna kill me out here." Alex questioned.

"Don't be dumb Alex, this is still real life remember? That isn't possible." George stated.

So George began his way down the path. Alex followed behind him cautiously, and Dream calmly followed behind Alex, exited to return to his home. They walked the path, Alex felt like they had been walking for an eternity, but Dream and George were used to it. George practically ran to the door of the arcade, and Dream had all he could do to not rush after him.

When they did finally get to the door of the arcade, Alex's eyes lit up. He looked around at the way that the old building was perfectly hidden, perfectly kept, fit perfectly in the woods, and understood why George had loved it so much that he would loose track of time and come home late. At least he assumed that this was where he had been going to in the mornings.

George told Dream to cover Alex's eyes and he did so before George unlocked the door and walked in. Dream led Alex through the door as George ran around and straightened out all of the tables. George then came back in front of the two men, and allowed Dream to uncover Alex's eyes. Alex stood in the middle of the main game room in shock.

After Dream removed his hands from over Alex's eyes, he ran over to his claw machine and just sat down in front of it and rested his head against the body. Alex turned slowly in a circle and walked around a bit through the main room.

"What's the matter Alex? You know you can explore around, it won't cause any problems."

"Uh, yeah. I am just impressed by how well this place is taken care of - it looks like it was made in the 1970's!"

"Heheh, yeah, that's because Dream has been taking care of this place after he uh, found it here one day. And then I stumbled apon it while he was here cleaning and that's how we met." Geoge lied.

"Ah, that makes sense. We'll I'm glad you showed this place to me, it looks awesome! Do you think some of the games still work?"

"I don't know, but we can find out!" George exclaimed excitedly.


So the two began messing with the game consoles finding ones that still functioned and Dream watched them and giggled from his corner infront of the claw machine.

The three of them stayed in the arcade the entire night, laughing, having fun, and playing old 1980's video games. They chose to stay the night in the arcade, and at 11:30, they settled in and went to bed. Dream was even able to find a way to get in his claw machine without showing to Alex that he could go through the glass.

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