A Nod And A Glare (To Show I Don't Care)

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The trio fell silent, unaware of how to respond to the questioning gaze's.

"Yeah actually, I don't recognize the melody of either of those," Alex commented, adding to the discomfort.

Dream was the only one to notice Tommy sending him a quick look, silently beginning for his help in their situation. Dream smiled softly, just giving him a gentle nod before excusing himself to the bathroom. The exchange went unnoticed by the others.

Tommy's eyes then searched for Ranboo's, and after locating their target a gentle glare formed on his eyes. George noticed the small gesture, and questioned it in his mind.

"I don't remember the artist, though I do think it was written by multiple, so that could explain it." Ranboo chose his words carefully, making sure to not give away any hint as to who could've created the beautiful melody.

"Alright then," George was still skeptical about Tommy glaring at the taller male before his response, but chose not to question it yet.

The group continued sitting in silence, George was sitting on the prize counter dangleing his injured leg over the edge, he was playing a game on his phone to pass the time.

The trio were texting each other suspiciously, hiding their phones from everyone and typing quickly. Dream had returned from the bathroom, a small smile set on his lips when no one asked him any questions.

Karl had moved to the table Alex was sitting at in the far corner of the room by the old claw machine. They were talking quietly about anything and nothing.

A soft buzz vibrated from Alex's phone on the table. He picked the phone up, and after reading the name of the caller, stepped outside to answer.

"What's up?" Alex spoke into his phone.

"Q! What you doin tonight say 5?" Wilbur's voice floated through the speaker.

"Didn't have much planned, why? What you got in mind?" Alex responded, already knowing the answer.

"Wanna go get lost somewhere? Just fuck around a bit, maybe drop by that old drag strip." Wilbur asked, fully expecting a positive answer.

"I'd love to." Alex smiled into his phone, the two had found an old drag strip one night as they were driving around, it was still in use back then, so they stayed for the races. They would visit every Friday at 5 until the cops had found it. They busted the race and stopped access to the old drag strip for a while until it eventually was forgotten by most people. But that didn't last long, as people would still line the sides of the old drag strip even now to watch people in overpriced illegal cars race.

"Ah, one more thing," Wilbur continued, catching Alex off guard. "Bring that friend of yours, Karl. It should be dark enough for his 'sun allergy'"

Alex could hear the mocking tone in Wilbur's voice, but smiled nonetheless. He was going to teach Karl how to live again.

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