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It took Dream two hours to clean the kitchen, and he now would not allow anyone near it. George had walked back to the music room to change the song again. George had constructed a playlist titled "~The Arcade~" that consisted of 80's songs he enjoyed that he thought Dream and Karl would enjoy as well. He was sat at his table with the monster Alex had given him, swaying calmly to the songs that played.

Dream meanwhile had begun an aggressive cleaning spree. He had swept the floor to many times for George to count. He had dusted everything in the room, including at some point Alex when he had returned from outside with dirt on his jacket. Dream had found a vacuum and was deep cleaning the carpet of all the dirty footprints left by Karl and Alex.

"Back you dirty bitch!" Dream yelled, wielding his duster like a sword at Tommy, who had been walking around in the second arcade room that hadn't been cleaned yet. Dream was now not allowing hit to return from said room.

"What the hell's his deal?" Tubbo asked to Ranboo, who stood by his side.

After Tommy had been properly dusted, Dream aggressively ushered him back out of the dirty room. And then Dream disappeared into the room with his cleaning supply's.

Dream spent all afternoon cleaning, though he avoided the room in which his guitar was. He had marked the outside as off limits after he dusted Alex, and so was doing their own thing inside the boundaries of their unwanted containment. Dream was cleaning the games. Tommy and Tubbo were playing as many of the uncleaned ones as they could before those too became off limits. Ranboo was talking to George, they were making fun of Dream.

It was getting to be almost dinner, and Dream had just finished almost every machine. He had allowed the two teens to play the games after they had washed their hands four times. The one dirty machine was still off limits so as not to spread dirt back around the building. Tubbo was disappointed, because the machine Dream had not yet cleaned was the old claw machine he was nicknamed after.

Dream walked over to the table George and Ranboo were at. Ranboo gave him a polite greeting as he sat down, and he returned it with a smile.

"You didn't clean your claw machine," George commented.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, I don't like cleaning it myself," a light embarrassed blush crept up Dream's neck, he hated the selfish feeling he had when he cleaned the old claw machine.

"Well you can't do that to Tubbo, he seems pretty bummed about it. Give me your cleaning supplies," George said nonchalantly.

"Don't make me feel bad, I don't want to upset people," Dream said, his embarrassment becoming more prominent in his cheeks.

"I got it, give Ranboo some company though," George said as he grabbed the cleaning supplies and walked over to the old claw machine.

An hour or so later, George had finished the large machine and was complaining for food.

"Yo Alex, why don't you and Karl go get a pizza for everyone since I'm sure Dream doesn't want us in the kitchen," George said, throwing a playful glare at Dream.

"Sure, what kind does everyone want?" Alex asked to the room.

A variety of flavors were said, but everyone quickly agreed on a pepperoni and sausage. Alex and Karl stood, Karl tangled their arms together, and the two walked bridal style out the door.

About an hour and a half later they returned with the pizza. Everyone ate quickly, it had been a long day and everyone was tired except Dream. He impatiently waited until Ranboo was the only person awake, and excused himself from their small talk to go get his guitar. Ranboo smiled as Dream walked away, he deeply hoped the guitar would make the man happy.

Dream entered the small space, and immediately saw it sitting gently on the table. Tears threatened to spill as he placed a careful hand on the instrument. He kept his touch light, fearing that if he touched it it would turn to dust. It was beautiful.

Utterly stunning. That's what Dream thought when he looked at the instrument in front of him. The burnt wood look blended beautifully with the golden lighting-like patterns that decorated the instrument. He couldn't even tell where the instrument had been broken, but it made more sense to him what Ranboo had meant. Dream hugged the guitar to his chest, before he placed it carefully back on the table.

Dream emerged from the room and walked back over to Ranboo. Before Ranboo could ask if Dream liked it, the man had pulled him into a tight, grateful hug.

 Before Ranboo could ask if Dream liked it, the man had pulled him into a tight, grateful hug

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It would look something like this but with gold leafing. I can't find exactly what I'm describing but I'm glad for it because I can be sure it is a unique idea.

~The Arcade~DSMP//DNF//fluffWhere stories live. Discover now