A Knock At The Door

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George and Dream were sitting in the living room watching cartoons. Alex slept soundly, his head layed in Karl's lap as Karl played with his hair. The peaceful quiet of the small bedroom disturbed only by the muffled sounds of the TV downstairs. Karl yawned, he smiled down at Alex, who was lost in a deep sleep, and climbed out of the bed being careful not to wake him.

Quietly, Karl crept out of the bedroom. He crept downstairs, greeting the two on the couch and reassuring them that he was alright, and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Karl made himself a quick cheesy egg omelet and some coffee before he brought it back upstairs with him back to Alex's bedroom. He walked into the room quietly, being careful still not to wake up his exhausted friend.

Karl sat on the bed up against the head rest as Alex slept infront of him, and ate his breakfast. Minutes passed, and the calmness of the room was enough to make Karl finally feel safe. He didn't know if it was Alex's soft snores, the otherwise quiet of the room, or just the comfort he felt, but Karl felt like nothing bad could hurt him as long as he sat in that room. How wrong he had been.

Karl went back downstairs to clean his dishes, and as he was drying his coffee mug, the doorbell rang. George and Dream both turned to the door. They looked at each other in nervous silence, still on edge from the night before. Karl put the mug down in the sink and stalked over to the door. The three all took a sharp breath in, and Karl turned the handle and threw the door open.

Karl looked dumbfounded around at the empty deck. No one was there waiting for him to answer the door, no one was around at all. The neighborhood looked like a ghost town from where Karl stood in the doorway. He glanced down at the wooden floor of the deck and saw a small pice of torn paper stuck to it with a pice of tape. George and Dream watched as Karl bent down out of their view and returned to a standing position still looking down at his hands.

Karl stared at the small pice of paper. He made up his mind and slowly unfolded it, not ready for what was written on it. Karl read the writing on the paper. Everything stayed completely quiet, but the quiet that the room was stuck in was eery and uncomfortable. Karl stepped back into the house and closed the door. He flipped the lock before pulling a kitchen chair into the living room and sitting down.

The three sat in the uncomfortable silence for a minute before Karl read the note to the others out loud.

"I hope you liked your grave, I've made sure to keep it very comfortable for you. Some place for you to rest without having to worry about the awful man that killed you." The note read.

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