White Lies

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The group sat and played games for hours. The sun was almost set behind the hill, and Alex finally said that they had to leave. Karl was hesitant to take his poker earnings, but he was given no choice when Wilbur grabbed everything from the table and shoved it in his multi-colored hoodie pocket. Alex and Karl left the house and went outside to Alex's car.

They drove off, but Alex wasn't headed back to their house to drop the car off. Alex figured they were already screwed for being gone all last night and today. He took Karl to an old gas station that looked abandoned and parked. Alex led Karl into the old building, there was no one in sight and no one inside. Alex walked through the aisles, scanning over the shelves and occasionally grabbing things. Karl followed close behind him, feeling two uncomfortable to pay attention to what Alex was grabbing.

After what felt like an eternity to Karl, Alex dropped som cash on the counter and led him back out to the car. The two sat in the car listening to music and looking over everything Alex had grabbed. There was two of everything, two pixie sticks, two skittles packs, two large Kit Kat bars, a ton of candy bars, gum of almost every flavor in existence, war heads candy, push pops, mambas, sour patch kids, and so much more. Alex had practically bought every kind of candy known to man, and the thing Karl actually payed attention to was when they got slushes.

They sat in the car and ate candy. The thing that had interested Karl most where the 'Monster energy' drinks Alex had grabbed. There where tons of different flavors. But Karl payed attention to the white can that read 'Monster Ultra Zero,' there where four of them when everything else had two. There was also three 'original' as Alex had called them. He said that it was because George liked the original's.

Karl decided to try one, he opened one of the original's with a satisfying 'pop' and took a small sip. Alex giggled at him as Karl's eyes lit up. Before Alex could even ask if Karl liked it, Karl had chugged the whole thing and was reaching for a different one. In almost no time at all, Karl had tried almost every flavor. There wasn't a single one he hadn't emptied. The last flavor that was left for Karl to try was the Ultra zero. It was in a clean white can with a dark tan to match the other ones with the ultra name.

He popped the can open, and with no hesitation, he took a long sip. Karl melted into the taste, this was by far his favorite, he was sure of it. He finished the drink, and grabbed one of the pixie sticks out of the bag.

"Holly shit Karl, chill! Your gonna have a fucking heart attack!" Alex yelled, having just finished the first can he opened.

"What? They were good." Is all Karl said before returning to his pixie stick.

Alex drove them back to the house, and with everything from the gas station in hand, they walked quickly through the dark skies to the arcade. It didn't take them long until they were outside the door to the old building, preparing to get yelled at. Alex took a deep breath and opened the door.

Karl walked in, wobbling in his sleepy steps and falling into a chair at a close table. Alex walked in and set their stuff on the table Karl sat at.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" A tired sounding voice yelled from a table on the other side of the room.

"Sorry George, we lost track of time yesterday, and you know I don't drive well at night, so we stayed with a friend of mine. We couldn't exactly leave there until it got dark. But hey, I brought you a monster." Alex lied, carrying the drink over and setting it infront of George. George was the only other person awake, Dream and the others were out cold and Karl was trying to hard to avoid surrendering to the sugar crash that threatened to put him to sleep for the next year.

George just brushed Alex off, laying down to rest himself. Alex sighed as he walked back over to Karl, who had finally fallen into a soft sleep.

'I told you not to have all that sugar and monster' Alex thought as he layed down himself. It wasn't long until the only noise in the room was soft snores as everyone slept through the night.

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