Learning To Live

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Alex entered the old building, a smirk plastered on his cheeks as he returned to the table with Karl.

"Who was that?" Karl asked, his head cocked to the side slightly.

"Wilbur," Alex responded nonchalantly, his smirk never faltering.

"Oh! How's he doing?"

"He's alright," Alex responded, "hey, Wilbur and I got plans tonight, and he wants you to come with. What do you say?"

"Oh? I'd love to, where are we going?" Karl asked, joy bubbling in his stomach.

"That I can't tell you, but trust me, it's well worth it. We have to come up with an excuse to leave though."

"How about we just tell George that you're taking me to a caffe or something? For all I know that's where we could be going, so it wouldn't exactly be a lie."

"Believe me, it's better then that. But I suppose that would work, yeah."

"Ok, when are we going to leave?" Karl asked.

"I suppose about now," Alex replied, checking his watch. '4:45' it read.

Karl hadn't realized so much time had passed since Alex had woken him up this morning to help Dream.

Alex stood again from his seat, walking around to the other side of the table to stand beside Karl. The two walked over to the prize counter where George was sitting.

"Hey George, Alex and I were going to go to a caffe for a while, we will be back later tonight." Karl stated, his usual cheer still strong in his voice.

"Oh alright! Have fun you two," George replied, looking up from his phone momentarily.

Alex and Karl walked out of the building, making small talk as they walked down the trail that lead out. Karl followed behind Alex as they walked in the setting sun to where Wilbur had told them to meet.

He was already there, in his car with the windows cracked and music playing at an unreasonably loud volume. Alex stepped up to the car and climbed into the passenger seat, Karl quickly followed suit, climbing into the back seat and buckling himself into the seat behind Alex.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" Wilbur asked, turning down the radio just a notch after noticing Karl cringing slightly.

"I'm alright, thank you. How about yourself?" Karl replied kindly.

"I'm great thank you." Wilbur smiled, pulling out of his parking spot to take them to wherever they were going.

Wilbur and Alex talked over the music, occasionally singing loudly to songs. Karl eventually joined in, feeling more comfortable with the others the longer he was in the vehicle.

"We're here!" Wilbur shouted.

He stepped out of his car, Alex and Karl following suit quickly. Karl was anxious to find out where they were, it was darker outside, the sun on it's last blazes of light from behind a tall hill off in the distance.

Street lights illuminated their surroundings, people crowded around food trucks and gift shops, but the majority of the large crowd was surrounding an old drag strip. Two cars parked side by side infront of a painted starting line.

On the left was a pitch black Camaro, it had a beautiful red leather interior, and red under glows. On the right was a light blue mustang, it had a black interior and shined with fluorescent paint that glowed in the night sky. Both cars looked much to expensive for the old race track before them.

"Who's racing tonight? Do you know?" Alex asked Wilbur as he stepped into a line for a food truck. Karl stepped into the line beside him, staying close so he wouldn't get lost.

"Bad and Skeppy" Wilbur responded, following Alex into the food line.

"Again? Feels like they're always the ones racing,"

"So, what's going to happen here?" Karl asked.

"It's a race track, the two parked on the drag strip are competing for cash, we're here to watch." Wilbur answered, smiling before turning to order his food.

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Well yeah, in fact this place was busted one while we were here, but the cops gave up on it because people would sneak in anyway." Alex answered the question like it was normal.

"C'mon, we gotta get a good seat." Wilbur said, pulling Alex and Karl to the front of the crowd with food in his hands. They stepped into the the front of the crowd, Wilbur sat on the pavement and spread the food he had bought in front of him. Alex sat down to Wilbur's right, pulling Karl to sit on the other side of him.

They sat and talked until the race started. A flag girl in flashy clothes stood in front of the cars. She raised a checkered flag into the air, signaling for the aces to start their engines. The vehicles roared to life, and a moment later the checkered fabric dropped and the vehicles went speeding off onto the track.

Alex spared a look at Karl, his eyes were wide in excitement. A smile creased his cheeks. Wilbur glanced over at the two, a smug smile on his lips as he nudged Alex.

"You're staring," Wilbur whispered into Alex's ear. Alex's head immediately snapped around to stare at Wilbur. A dark crimson tint painted on his face. Alex sent a playful glare at the taller male, before turning his eyes back to the race track.

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