Just You And Me

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Skeppy ended up winning the race, and he didn't hesitate to brag about it to Bad afterwords. Standing in front of their cars on the finish line, Skeppy waved the homemade trophy in Bad's face as he stuck his tongue out at the taller.

Wilbur and Karl were laughing as they watched the two fight. Alex melted at the sweet giggles from Karl.

The trio stayed like that for a while, sitting on the cool pavement, talking and laughing as they watched the crowd die down. As more and more people began to leave, the three agreed it would be best to leave as well.

Wilbur stood from his seat, the other two following suit behind him as he walked up to a trash can and dumped their food rappers in it. They followed the dim light of the old street lamps that decorated the old area.

"So, where am I taking you two?" Wilbur asked as they climbed back into the car.

"Just back to the house, please." Alex replied, confusing Karl.

Wilbur nodded as he turned the key, turning up the radio and pulling out of his parking spot.

The drive to the house was calming, Karl watched as street lamps blurred past, staring at the constellations in the sky.

When they made it to the house, Wilbur pulled to a quick stop and let Alex and Karl out, Alex said goodbye and Wilbur quickly drove away. Before Karl could ask why they were at the house, Alex grabbed his hand and pulled him into the garage. Alex climbed into the driver seat of his car, signaling for Karl to follow into the passenger.

Yo, Karl and I will be out a bit late, we'll probably be back after y'all are sleeping. Dream should be fine to sleep if he's less nauseous and dizzy.

Alright. Don't be gone forever though, and be quiet when you come back in because I'm going to bed.

Yeah, no promises.

Alex smiled softly, setting his phone in the cup holder and starting the engine. He pulled out of the garage, making sure to close it behind him, and drove out of the neighborhood.

"Where are we going? This isn't the way pack to the arcade." Karl asked, confused.

"I wanna take you somewhere, as far as I know I'm the only person who knows about it, it's where I go in the summer when George is working or whatever." Alex responded nonchalantly.

They were quick to arrive at the place, Alex pulling to a stop on the side of the road. It was dark but Karl could make out a small field of flowers that surrounded an old village. There was only a few little houses, a bakery, a large blacksmith, and a few other small shops. All of the buildings surrounded a small water fountain that still spilled water.

Alex smiled as he watched Karl's eyes light up. Grabbing his hand Alex lead the two of them down a pathway through the field and to the fountain.

"The buildings are well preserved. Lights and plumbing still work, and there are no bugs or rats or anything."

Karl's smile widened.

The two walked around, exploring the insides of the tiny houses in the village. They explored the old bakery, and then the blacksmith shop, messing with some of the old hand crafted weapons that lined the walls. They explored a few other small shops, until Alex pulled Karl over into the old church behind the circle of houses and shops.

The two climbed the stairs to the top floor, Alex walked to the corner and popped open a trapdoor to the roof, a rope latter fell from the top.

Karl quickly scurried over and climbed up the latter after Alex. The roof of the church was tall and pointed, but the old shingles provided enough grip for the two to sit comfortably and safely. The view from on top of the church roof was gorgeous. Peaking slightly over the tree tops and staring down on the small village in front of it. The field of wild flowers surrounding the village glowed in the night with fireflies. Karl's smile glowed even brighter.

The two sat in silence, not wanting to disturb the peace. As they lay on the roof looking at constellations in the sky, the sun began to make an appearance over the horizon below them.

"Karl, we should get going yeah?" Alex asked as he watched the sky begin to lighten up with bright warm colors.

"Just a bit longer," was Karl's quiet response.

"Karl, you'll be burned," Alex said, a hint of worry shaking his voice.

"It's ok," Karl whispered into the warm early morning air.

The sun began to poke over the trees, shining a glowing orange onto the features of each of their faces.

A light steam rolled off Karl's cheek, the smile plastered on the ghosts face wavering only for a moment.

"Not on my watch, I'm not loosing you to the fucking sun." Alex said, sitting up and carefully wrapping his jacket around Karl's torso, flipping up the hood to protect the top of Karl's head.

Alex pried Karl from their comfortable seat on the roof and pulled him through the trapdoor. Alex quickly rolled up the rope latter and placed it back in its spot before closing the trapdoor.

The two made their way out of the church and to the car quietly, sinking into the seats of the vehicle. The tinted windows on the car were enough to make sure Karl was comfortable in their ride to the arcade.

After Alex parked on the side of the road that ran through the old Tran tracks, the two quickly made their way down the path and to the front door of the arcade.

"Thank you, really. You don't know how much this night meant to me," Karl said in a tired tone.

"Any time, if ever you feel like you need a stress reliever, I'll take you back. Anywhere, the drag strip, the village, the old gas station we went to a while ago, anywhere. These places are sacred to me, and I wanted you to be a part of it."

A joyful smile creased Karl's cheeks as he hugged Alex, and without thinking, placed a gentle kiss on Alex's lips. Alex smiled at that, knowing that they would talk about it later, and that it wasn't worth disturbing their moment. The two walked quietly into the old building, sitting back at their table and almost immediately falling asleep from exhaustion.

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