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Karl was awoken by a splitting migrane. He sat up slowly, seeing Alex still in a deep sleep in the bed. Karl stood and carried himself to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. He passed the couch on his way and saw Wilbur still fast asleep aswell. As Karl entered the kitchen, he hadn't realized that there were windows until he felt a scorching pain in his left shoulder.

He squeaked in pain, jumping out of the beam of sun and holding his shoulder in his hands. Tears threatened to fall as his skin sizzled, he crept carefully around all of the sunspots and grabbed his water, running back out of the kitchen before he got hurt again.

Karl went back into the guest room, careful not to wake Alex. Dropped his cup on the nightstand and ran back to the bathroom to inspect the burn. Karl felt the stinging sensation, and quiet tears fell from his eyes, paining him more. He dug through an old first aide kit that he found, finding a long expired burn cream. He assumed Wilbur was the person to burn himself with cigarettes quite often.

After carefully inspecting the ingredients lable and making sure it wasn't made with water or anything that hurt his skin in his living body, he smeared the burn cream on his shoulder and lightly under his eyes, not that he didn't already have permanent tear scars down his cheeks.

Alex stirred awake, being met with a throbing head that he knew all to well. He found a glass of water on the nightstand by his side of the bed and gulped it down. He leaned against the bed to see Karl walk in with his shirt falling off his left shoulder. Karl jumped, seeing Alex awake, and quickly pulled the shoulder to his long sleeved shirt to cover the burn. His eyes fell to the ground, his curly brown bangs covering the fresh burn tracks on his cheeks.

"Karl?" Alex asked in a croaky voice.

"Yeah? What's up Alex?" Karl responded, trying to keep his voice as cheerful as possible.

"You alright dude?"

"Yeah! Don't worry about me. How's your head?" Karl asked, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed, still keeping his face and burn out of Alex's view. Luckily for Karl, he had chosen to sleep on the left side of the bed, so his shoulder wasn't visible to Alex.

"Eh, I've had my share of hangovers. The worst part is acting like I don't around George. Are you sure you're OK though? You had like two beers and were puking." Alex remembered, trying to pull Karl's chin up to meet his eyes.

Karl felt Alex's hand on his chin, he felt as Alex tryed to pull his face up and without thinking, he slaped Alex's hand away. Alex stared wide eyed at Karl, his hand falling limp between the two.

"Karl?" His eyed filled with sadness ad Karl met his gaze. The tear tracks were sti so fresh that a thin cloud of steam rolled off of his face.

Alex reached to rest his hands on Karl's shoulder, gaining himself another, more aggressive slap that echoed lightly off the walls. Karl shied away, afraid of Alex trying to grab his injured shoulder again.

"Karl?" Alex asked again, "what happened?"

"Well, turns out that Wilbur likes his sunlight." Karl said as more tears welled up in his eyes.

Alex didn't say anything, he didn't have anything to say. The only thing he could do was wrap a protective arm around Karl's waist. Karl let him see the burn, and it turned out to be much worse then Alex had imagined. It was definitely going to leave a painful, ugly scar.

The two sat on the bed like that until they heard Wilbur shuffling around in the other room. Karl assumed he was confused because of his drunk cleaning spree last night. Alex joined him in the other room, bringing his cup out to the kitchen.

"You gotta keep that kid around man, he's a good housewife."

"Oh shut up Wil, he doesn't deserve to be treated like a housewife. Besides, he might steal more money from you."

"Guess it just wasn't my night."

"It's never your night, you kinda suck."

Wilbur continued his walk around the house, carefully inspecting all of the spots that used to have large old stains. Alex went his own way to the kitchen, emediently seeing how Karl was caught off guard by the sunlight that poured in through random places.

Alex placed his cup in the sink and began to go back to the guest room. On his way, he found Wilbur by the poker table.

"Karl right? That was his name?" Wilbur asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the pile of poker chips and cash that Karl hadn't taken yet.

"Yeah. He's awake but not feeling the best, he hasn't had a good party in years." Alex said, avoiding the mention of Karl's injury

"He was sure fun to hang with though. He's invited any time."

"Yeah, if the sun doesn't go away you might get to hang with us more." Alex whisper-said.

"Oh?" Wilbur said, catching Alex's words.

"He uh, has a thing with the sun." Alex almost yelled.

" 'a thing with the sun' ?" Wilbur mimicked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I-it's like this weird rare allergy, just kinda hurts him." Alex said in a panicky voice.

"Huh. Never heard of it before. Well that's fine, just make sure he takes his cash." Wilbur said, questioning Alex silently.

~The Arcade~DSMP//DNF//fluffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz