Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Edward's POV –

Beep, beep, beep.

I woke up groggily on Monday morning to a constant ringing in my ears, which I soon discovered was coming from my alarm clock. Then I dawned on me. It was Monday morning and it was my first day at La Push High School. I got up and went through my daily morning routine, only it was a little earlier this time. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, getting dressed and fixing my hair. This morning I wore my khaki shorts and a blue long sleeve t-shirt, since the sun had made an appearance.

Once I locked the front door I took in the view. My new car sitting in the drive. I had purchased the black Honda Civic from the showroom yesterday for a reasonable price. I threw my bag in the boot and put in my CD into the stereo. Jacob had agreed to meet me at the office to see if we were in the same classes.

"Excuse me, I'm here to pick up my schedule," I said to the sectary sat at the computer in the office at the reception.

"Mr. Swan?" She questioned looking through a stack of messy paperwork. "Here you go, I'm sure you can find the way with Mr. Black, it seems you are in his classes."

"Sweet," Jacob stated.

So we set off for the first class of the day.

Oh so boring Spanish.


By lunch time I was sure that I had met all of the student body and I mean all of them. I spent my lunch with all of Jacob's friends, Sam, Paul, Embry, Quill and Jared.

In my last 2 classes I picked up 2 essays for homework. Great. I decided that I should ask Jacob to come over to help me catch up on my homework and he was more than happy, he said that he'd bring Billy along.

So on my way home I decided to pick up some food from the grocery store to make something for dinner. I decided on chicken and broccoli bake. Charlie wasn't there when I got home so I got started on tonight's supper right away. I peeled and sliced the potatoes and cut the chicken. I put the potatoes on to boil deciding I could do the rest when Jacob got here.

I climbed the stairs and made my way to my room bringing my rucksack along as I figured I could try some of the many homework's I already had. I did try, but to no avail as soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

I was woken by Charlie shaking my leg.

"Kid you nearly burned the house down! Billy and Jake have been out there for 35 minutes waiting on you to answer the door," He explained.

"Sorry," I replied, my voice full of sleep. It seems I was out for longer than I thought so I got up to finish the dinner.

"You kept us waiting long enough!" Jacob shouted at me, as my Dad let them in.

"Jake, leave him alone, he sure does need his beauty sleep," replied Billy causing everyone burst out laughing.

"Okay guys, enough jokes at my expense." I snorted, still grumpy from being woke from my slumber. Jacob joined me in the kitchen trying to lend a hand, but he just pondered around here and there doing nothing of any importance. He was more of a hindrance than a help.

"You could just lay the table you know." I suggested, asking him to do something worthwhile.

"Sure, sure," he responded.

We ate dinner and my dad loaded the dish washer. I went upstairs and grabbed my rucksack bringing my homework down to join Jake on the living room floor. Charlie and Billy were watching a game of football.

"Well, Edward, are the girls running after you yet?" Billy enquired.

"No-" I was replying but was rudely interrupted by Jacob.

"He says he doesn't care dad, I've heard a few rumours circulating around," Jacob interjected.

"Just keep your head down boy, the girls will come," my dad added in a lowered tone.

There was something about the way he said it which made we question if he was hiding something or if there was a hidden message behind his words. It was weird that I was the topic of conversation however, Jake was telling the truth. I was the talking point to the school and even though I didn't particularly want to like it here it wasn't the worst. I finished up some of my homework and Billy and Jacob left. I gathered my things and headed upstairs to have a quick shower before I went to bed. I felt a tradition coming along.


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