Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Bella's POV –

"Ugh," I grunted as I turned into Edward's chest to try to get back asleep.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. He must have been awake.

"Yeah, just another stupid dream," I shrugged. They were getting out if hand, were coming every night now for about three weeks and the kids featured in them - that's what scared me. Of course, the baby girl was frequently there too but I didn't know her. I snuggled in closer to Edward's chest inhaling his woodsy scent. It calmed me instantly and soon I was in a slumber.

I woke to Rosa tugging at the covers and the smell of scrambled egg. Edward had made me breakfast in bed, with Rosa's help if course. Rosa didn't really understand my dreams, she knew they made me upset but Masen felt them every night because of his gift so after one night he woke screaming we told him it was silly pictures in mommy's head.

Today was Saturday and we spent our Saturdays playing games with everyone at the main house, minus Scarlett. She hadn't been to school since the day we found her in the changing rooms and constantly locked herself in her bedroom at ours. We headed over soon after we all had gotten ready. Rosalie often drew pretty pictures with Rosa and Emmett challenged Masen to a game if racing on the PlayStation and as ever Masen won. Then he came and sat in my knee, beside Edward.

"Oh, mommy! I forgot to tell you, the baby loves you!" Masen confessed, looking sad.

"I love you too, now turn that frown upside down," I told him.

"Not me silly!" Masen yelled.

"You don't love me?" I asked playing along.

"I do, but the baby does too," Masen defended. I was confused.

"What baby?" I questioned, looking at everyone. When my eyes fell to Carlisle, he was smiling at Masen.

Masen pulled my neck so his mouth was near my ear. "In your belly," he whispered, shyly.

"What?" I asked shocked, I looked at Edward. His face matched the emotion I felt.

"It's fascinating to hear," Carlisle spoke for the first time.

"What's going on?" I questioned a little too loudly. Everyone must have already gathered what both Masen and Carlisle were saying as they were smiling.

"Mommy! There is a baby in your belly," Masen said, in the voice someone uses when you don't catch something that's obvious.

"You mean... What? Already?" I asked everyone, but looking at Edward.

"Bella, it only takes one time," Alice told me. I knew that, but I didn't expect to get pregnant again so soon. Edward was smiling.

"What takes one time?" Rosa asked, her little face scrunched up in confusion.

"Um," I tried. I looked at Edward who also looked worried. It is too soon to tell my innocent daughter the facts of life. Luckily Esme came to the rescue.

"How about a sandwich for you and Masen?" she asked Rosa and Rosa was like her father, food was the magic world. She ran into the kitchen with Esme trailing behind chuckling at her as her brother strolled behind them.

"You think I really am pregnant?" I whispered to Edward.

"Bella, I know you are. I can hear her," Carlisle informed as he heard my whisper.

"How can you hear her? Dad, can you her?" I asked Emmett. Edward must have found something about my question funny, because he had a huge smile on his face. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"It's not funny. You and Carlisle said her," Edward beamed.

"Oh," I smiled myself at the realization.

"How can you hear her, obviously, she can't talk!" I kind of yelled. Carlisle didn't need to speak to answer, he simply tapped his head. It clicked instantly. I was amazed. I jumped up and stood beside him.

"You can hear what she is thinking?" I questioned.

"Yes. It's so strange," he murmured. "Much stranger than you or the twins were."

"What do you hear?" I asked, intrigued now.

"It's so strange, she likes the sound of your voice, she likes yours too Edward," Carlisle informed.

"Are you sure it's a girl?" I asked. The thought of having another little princess was unbelievable.

"I'm almost certain, she wonders what it looks like out here and all she thinks is pink, she can't wait to meet her sister," Carlisle told us. This made Alice and Edward chuckle.

"I could run a scan if you like?" Carlisle offered.

"Do you not think it's too early?" I asked him.

"I can hear her thoughts, it means she has developed mentally, it should be okay," he told me.

"Let's go then," I said, heading to the stairs.

"Are you lot coming for not?" I asked them all.

A few okays were mumbled and Edward and I followed Carlisle upstairs, while everyone but Esme and the kids followed us. Once we got up to the newly set up, makeshift hospital room I jumped on the bed. Then Carlisle pulled over his little trolley with whatever he needed on it. Then he squirted that awfully cold gel on my abdomen. He used the probe and drew patterns on my stomach looking for whatever he needed to see. After a few minutes of crunching his face up Edward asked him what was wrong.

"It seems the baby has the same layer around it you did Bella, only hers is a little weaker as I can see the amniotic sack," Carlisle explained to everyone.

"What does that mean?" Edward asked, worried.

"When I was pregnant with Bella there was a layer of what we thought was a substance like vampire skin around her. This stopped us from seeing her and we didn't know how well developed she was," my mum explained to him.

"So you won't be able to see her?" he asked Carlisle.

"I can't tell yet but what I can do is theorize about this baby. Bella is half human, half vampire and the layer isn't human," Carlisle began, but Edward finished for him.

"So it's a vampire,"

"Well, she certainly has more vampirical characteristics than the twins," Carlisle said. Edward's face hardened.

"Does that annoy you?" I wondered.

"No, not at all. It only worries me for your sake," Edward told me. I understood why.

"She always was a tricky child," my dad said, coming over and messing my hair trying to lighten the mood. Slowly everyone left the room until it was just me and Edward.

"How are you feeling?" His question shocked me a little, I was going to ask him.

"Um, shocked, happy, excited, confused to name a few," I told him honestly. He smiled. "What about you?"

"I'm okay, we should probably get home though. Scarlett has been there all day by herself," he told me.

That was a fair point, and we did go home after I quickly grabbed the kids' stuff and we walked home hand in hand. We decided to not bother Scarlett when we got home. It was four pm so I started cooking dinner. As normal we ate and I went and delivered Scarlett hers. We went through out normal routine of dinner, homework, spending time with the little ones and finally going to bed. When I was about to dose over Edward spoke.

"Come here," He said pulling me into his arms. "It will be okay, we will carry on as normal, I'll look after you," he smiled. That thought made me smile, Edward was a great dad to Masen and to Rosa, it was beautiful to watch their relationships grow. It made me wonder if I would ever want to stop having babies with this perfect man.

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