Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Edward's POV –

It's been about five days since Bella was first sick and all of a sudden she jumped up, and out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. I got up to go after her. I heard her throwing up from down the hall.

"Bella?" I shouted, running to the bathroom. I got to the bathroom in time to see her violently throw up again. I held her hair back while she was sick numerous times into the toilet bowl. I filled a glass with water and gave it to her.

"Drink this," I ordered. She drunk the whole glass of water.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied sniffling.

"Come here," I demanded, hugging her tightly. I was beginning to get worried about her. She'd been throwing up for days now and she couldn't seem to keep any food down. "Maybe I should ring Carlisle. Get him to come and see you," I wondered aloud.

"No, I'll be okay," she told me.

"Are you sure?" I still wasn't.

"Yes. It's probably just the stomach bug that's going around. I'll be fine," she maintained.

"Do you want anything?" I offered.

"Yeah, tortilla's," she laughed.

"Okay, I'll go to the store," I smiled. Her love for those things was getting out of control.

I went to the shop and bought her a huge share bag of tortilla chips and some salsa to go with it. I got 2 bottles of cola and some chocolate. Everyone says chocolate makes you feel better. I stopped by the DVD shop and hired some DVD's as well as getting some popcorn. It was a Saturday and Bella would be taking it easy. I have to patrol from five pm to two am, I would get Alice to look after her. They have been planning for the weeding these past few weeks. I trust Alice will make it beautiful. I don't mind how it looks. All that matters are myself and my love, Bella.

When I got back her, she was asleep on the sofa. She must be really ill – she's been sleeping loads lately. She only got up an hour ago. I put the stuff I picked up at the store on the coffee table and went to get her a blanket. I gave her space to sleep and sat at the dining table getting caught up on homework. The rest of the Cullen's came back from their hunting trip a few hours later. I explained to Carlisle what happened and he was adamant that he looked her over. I agreed. So did her parents. I decided to do Bella's homework too, so she didn't get behind.

It was approaching three o'clock when Bella woke. She was whiter than she normally was and she was sweating. I was relieved when she woke, but when a few seconds later she went running to the nearest bathroom and vomited again, my worry grew stronger. Carlisle took her to his office to run some test. He told us no one could see her until he had his verdict. Carlisle went to the hospital to get results and I went to see Bella.

"Hey," I greeted, my voice broken, I hated seeing her in pain.

"Hello," she replied. "Did you get my tortillas?"

"Yeah, you were asleep when I got back. They are downstairs."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Okay, I don't know what's wrong. Once I throw up I feel fine," she explained.

"We will find out, don't worry," I assured her, placing a kiss on her head. "I think your mum and dad want to see you, I'll leave you to talk," I said, and left the room.

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