Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Bella's POV –

"Alice!" I groaned in annoyance, standing on the pedestal as she pinned and fidgeted with the bottom of my dress.

"Bella, hold still. The sooner you stay still the sooner I can get these measurements," Alice urged.

"You have taken them a gazillion times!" I cried.

"Bella come on, your wedding is in two days – two days!" she reminded me, again.

"Don't remind me," I grunted.

Don't get me wrong I was looking forward to my wedding. It was going to be great, and I could just imagine how perfect it was going to be with the twins running around and both mine and Edward's family there but Alice was adamant that she wanted final fittings to see what work needed done so she could do it on the plane. She already did, my father, Edward, Jake and the kids, so it was myself and Scarlett left to do. We are leaving in an hour to go to the airport. Charlie was downstairs with Sue. Jacob was getting ready at his and he and Billy were due over any minute now. We had shipped the pack out last night. Thinking about the wedding and spending quality time with the ones I love made me excited.

"Ah! I can't wait, Alice thank you so, so much!" I exclaimed hugging her as I came back from my happy place.

"Your welcome Bella," she replied, hugging me back as I was done.

"Scarlett!" Alice shouted.

"I'm here," Scarlett sighed.

Alice helped her into her beautiful navy gown. It was beautiful. The whole wedding was going to be beautiful. Our colour theme was a royal navy, to match the nautical theme and the ocean on the beach. Masen had a cute little suit and Rosa's flower girl dress had a navy bow belt. The rings were perfect; everything was just perfect. I must have been sitting there thinking for a long time because Scarlett pulled me out of my daze and downstairs after she was finally finished and began ranting about how late Jacob was. Edward was on the floor rolling around making the kids laugh. Just then Jacob came in the door with Billy.

"You took long enough," Alice shrieked.

"It's hard work getting this old man sorted," Jacob explained defensively. Edward chuckled at this.

Soon we loaded all our stuff into four cars. Myself, Edward, Charlie and the kids rode together in Edward's civic. Billy, Jake and Sue rode with Scarlett in Jacob's rabbit. That left the rest of my family to ride with whoever they wanted.

The airport was on the outskirts of Seattle and we had to take a small plane to from Port Angeles to Seattle just like Edward had when he first came here, before jetting off to South America and finally taking a short boat trip to Isle Esme. Edward and I would be there for 3 days before jetting off to Sorrento in Italy for our honeymoon, which would last 10 days.

"Plane! Momma plane," Masen exclaimed pointing to the white vehicle in front of us as we arrived to the runway in Port Angles. His eyes wide as saucers. Rosa had enough after being in the car for 10 minutes and had passed out in her car seat so Edward got the job of carrying her.

"Yeah, we are going on the plane," I smiled.

"Dad! Us in plane!" he shouted, getting very hyper. Edward just laughed.

"Up sky?" he asked.

"Yes, it will be high," I told him. His mouth formed a little 'o' shape.

"Then we have a bigger plane to go in."

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