Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Edward's POV –

Things have gotten quite bad again. Bells has been pregnant for about 3 months now. It's been hard for her body to deal with everything. She looks about 8 months pregnant. And I was scared, of course I wanted to meet and get to know my little one's l but I needed Bella; like I needed the air I breathed. They grew with her everyday and I knew a human might not notice it, but I did. Carlisle, Emmett and even Jacob tried to assure me that she would be okay. I didn't believe them - I couldn't. With the pregnancy came the hormones which was another scary part. Who knew when she would go off on one. The other day her mom made her some food, but she made the mistake of letting some of the food touch. Bella blew up, big time. She shouted at Rosalie for half an hour then she cried for 2 hours straight for doing it. It reminded me of when I had trouble with my temper as a young wolf.

Bella has also been having aches and pains these past few days. Carlisle put her on bed rest saying that it was only the baby moving around to get engaged. Whatever that means I have no clue, but they better not come out with a ring on their finger.

I got out of bed and took myself for a shower before I got ready for work. I got a job at the local mechanics. I wanted to help support Bella and my family, financially. Bella kept reminding me that I didn't need a job, they had more than enough money but I was persistent. I pulled on my sweats and an old black t-shirt. Bells was still sound asleep when I was done, so after placing a loving kiss on her head I left for work.

It was a slow day. Not many people came in so I had no new jobs to do. Around two o'clock a bloke came in, probably in his mid-twenties, saying he wanted his whole car resprayed. That would give me a little project. I sprayed a base coat and my boss told me to take my lunch. I removed my overalls and went to the office. I retrieved my lunch box from my locker and sat down at the table. I pulled my phone from my back pocket to reveal I had 7 missed calls from Bella. I dialled her number but she wasn't answering. I got panicked very quickly. I told my boss the situation and he let me leave.

I got to the house ten minutes later to see Bella leaning over the counter with a bright red face.

"Bella!" I screamed. "What's wrong?" She stood up her hair messy from being in bed all day.

"You! You ate my last packet of tortillas!" she shrieked.

"No I never they are in the cupboard," I explained, taken aback by the whole situation. I walked over to the cupboard and opened it, to reveal no tortilla chips.

"See you did eat them!" Bella yelled.

"What's going on in here?" Esme wondered, coming in from the vegetable patch in the garden. "Edward I thought you left for work," she said, looking at me.

"I was but I had 7 missed calls from Bella and I came to see what was wrong," I informed, calmly.

"He ate the last of my tortillas!" Bella screamed at Esme.

"Bella, calm down, you know it's not good for the baby," Esme was interrupted by a bone shattering scream from Bella.

"Bella, come on. There's no need to be so ridiculous. I'll go to the store and get you more," I said, looking back to her face. I didn't expect it to be scrunched up in pain.

"Ah!" Bella screamed again. I didn't have time to ask for an explanation. I got it quickly. Quite a bit of liquid gushed from between Bella's legs making my old sweats dark and making Bella look like she had wet herself. Again, Bella screamed. I couldn't move. I was in utter shock. I knew this was going to happen I just didn't anticipate it to be so soon. I hadn't expected it to be so painful for me to hear Bella scream. I hadn't expected Bella to scream at all, I had no idea it was going to be this painful for her. I still hadn't moved a muscle. Esme was rushing around. Bella was over the counter again, this time screaming.

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