Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Bella's POV –

"Good morning beautiful," Edward smiled just as I opened my eyes.

"Hey," I smiled back.

"Today, we are going to have a family day and watch movies have an inside family picnic and then we are going to cuddle on the sofa," Edward told me.

"That sounds nice," I admitted.

We started our day right away. Getting up and waking Masen and Rosa. They were grouchy from being woken but once we told them our plans they soon perked up. Masen loved to spend time with the ones he loved and it was just so he couldn't wait, his sister on the other hand took a little while to come around but soon enough little Miss Grouchy Pants sucked up and cuddled with her father. We had some breakfast and to my surprise I ate a small bowl of cereal along with my blood this morning. Then it was time to get dressed. I showered while Edward got himself and Masen sorted. I took longer than them both. I went back to the living room to find Masen reading Edward and his sister, who was also dressed, one of the books Scarlett got him for his birthday three weeks ago.

"Mommy, do you want to listen to me reading?" He asked me.

"I would love to," I replied. I sat beside Edward and the kids.

Soon he had finished reading and Rosa wanted to watch Wreck It Ralph. This took us up to lunchtime and Edward made sandwiches while I wobbled around the house collecting teddy bears and blankets and toys the kids had pulled out.

"Masen?" I called out, grabbing onto the railing along the stairs.

"What mum?" He asked.

"Wait a second," I told him. It just felt like the breath was knocked out of me. It passed in seconds.

"Come on baby," I told him, taking his hand to go back down stairs.

When we got down stairs Edward took the blankets of me and laid them on the floor before going to the kitchen and bringing in the plates, setting them on the blanket. We ate together and Edward teased Masen making us all laugh. We all made a joint effort to tidy our mess away and decided to go to the park. At the park, there were other kids playing and the kids mingled with them a little. I was taken aback by this. This was their first encounter with anyone else outside our family and it was great to see them enjoying themselves and fitting in. Rosa need to go to the toilet so her and Edward took off. When he was away Masen fell after chasing around after a ball.

"Mommy!" he shrieked.

"Aw, baby!" I sympathized, waddling over to him.

I bent down to pick him up and has the same pain I was experiencing earlier.

"Masen, can you get up yourself. It hurts Mommy to bend down," I panted.

"Daddy!" Masen yelled.

"Come on little man," Edward told him. I hadn't realised he had returned. "Bella, what's wrong?"

He must have noticed my face scrunched up in pain.

"Just a bit of pressure, it will pass in a minute," I assured him.

He helped me over to the park bench and then he decided it was time for us to go home. We all loaded into the car and went home to watch more movies. Soon the kids grew sick of just sitting and Edward brought their games downstairs so they could both play. They were playing some stupid shooting game when my pain started to get worse. I got up to get a drink but as soon as I got up another pain came.

"Ah..." I grumbled.

"Do you want me to take you to Carlisle because I don't think she is going to be waiting much longer?" Edward questioned.

"Is the baby coming?" Rosa asked.

"Maybe, but you two are going to go to your rooms, grab some pj's and whatever else you will need to stay in the main house tonight, because your little sister is on her way," Edward told Masen and Rosa. Masen made a little o shape with his mouth, his face displaying his confusion. They just went and got his stuff. My contractions were starting to begin as I groaned in pain.

"Okay, let's get you into the car," Edward told me. It wasn't long until we turned up on the main houses doorstep, me completely breathless and Edward calm as ever trying to get Masen sorted.

"It's time," Edward called into the now opened front door. Instantly my mum was at the door was by my side trying to get me into the house.

"No, leave her there for one second," Alice said, smiling.

"Why- Ah!" I screamed before liquid gushed from between my legs.

"At least the carpet didn't have to suffer," Alice grinned.

"Mum!" I shouted.

"Bella, I'm here," she whispered.

"No mum, make it stop," I yelled.

"Bella, the baby decides when it's ready, not you. Let's get you in and sorted," Edward told me before Carlisle appeared.

"Edward is right Bella. Let's get you in," he admitted, taking my arm.

"Kids, go to Alice," I told him. Alice lifted him into her arms.

"Did mummy pee herself?" Rosa asked her. My dad burst out laughing along with Jasper.

"It's not funny!" I roared.

"No, that's just the baby tell us it's ready to come out," Alice told Rosa.

Before long I was in Carlisle's newly constructed hospital ward, which had all the necessary training equipment for Edward to learn to become a doctor, with the gas tube in my mouth. This labour progressed far faster than the twins had and I was pushing within minutes.

"Ouch," I groaned, Edward stroked my forehead in reassurance.

"One more push Bella," Carlisle informed me.

"AH!" I screamed as he lifted a bundle from under the towel. Immediately the loud squealing cried ringed in my ears. Carlisle lifted the baby into my arms and I cooed over her. She had Edward's big brown eyes. He asked Edward if he wanted to cut the cord and he did so before joining me with our baby girl, who was everything I could have wished for and more.

"She's beautiful," Edward cooed, all his fears of how she would turn out banished.

"She needs a beautiful name, what about Renesmee?" I asked smiling.


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