Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Edward's POV –

"Daddy, get up!" Masen shouted, jumping up and down on my chest to wake me.

"Ah, I'm up," I exclaimed, rolling over to that Masen fell onto the bed beside me. I tickled him. He was very ticklish, just like his mother.

"Stop!" he shouted in between giggles.

I set him up and pushed his long hair out of his eyes. I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone. Friday 21st September, 9.23. Today, at 2pm I would be marrying Masen's beautiful mother, my imprintee. I couldn't wait, I've been dreaming about this day ever since I met Bella. By now, I was wide awake and raring to go.

"Right Masen, let's get up and get breakfast," I told him. Instantly he used his own little word which he shares with his sister for when they want some milk.

"Bobo?" He asked, innocently. Bella and I have been trying to ween them off it.

"How about some big boy juice?" I questioned, trying to distract him by offering a compromise.

"Cola?" he wondered getting excited at the idea of having some with his breakfast.

"We better not tell Momma though," I smiled.

I grabbed his hand and took him through to the kitchen. I set him on the bench and looked in the cupboards to see what I fancied. Of course, the kitchen was stocked graciously, probably the doing of Esme. She really was wonderful. I looked in the fridge and seen bacon and eggs, so I decided to make bacon, eggs and toast. I had three of each while Masen only had 1 which he didn't finish. Jacob finished it for him though.

"Big day," Jake reminded me.

"Yep!" I beamed.

"Can we go in the pool da?" Masen asked.

"One hour and that's it," I told him. Masen, Jacob and I got into the pool. He loved the water. Soon Embry and Jared joined in followed by Seth and everyone else. Things were getting rough between the wolves so I got Masen out.

"They're fighting, bad boys," he scolded, wrapped inside a towel. They laughed at him.

"Let's go get a nice shower," I told him. I stripped him down and washed his hair and body before letting him squirt me with a water gun. I was drenched. Then Jasper came in and took him off me while I got a shower. I washed my hair and then my body. Once I got out I made sure I was cleanly shaved. It was only twelve o'clock when I was done and two couldn't come fast enough. I was missing Bella big time. I just pulled on old sweats and I went and joined Jasper, Jacob, Embry, Jared and Paul in the lounge. They were huddled around the TV with Masen the centre of attention. It seemed Masen was giving someone with the user-name of 'boyracer2008' a run for his money. Carlisle watched from the side as he won the race. I went and sat with him.

"He is very intelligent," Carlisle complimented.

"He's like his daddy," I joked. Carlisle chuckled. We sat and watched Masen continued to beat everyone at the racing game for a while before Carlisle spoke again.

"I think you should go tell everyone to get dressed and ready. We wouldn't want to keep the bride waiting," he smiled.

"C'mon get ready," I said to Masen.

We went to the room were all the suits were and I got little Masen's out. I put on his white pants, and his white shirt followed by his navy-blue tie and his vest to match. I fixed his pocket square and placed it in the top pocket of his blazer. I put the blazer on him and then I tried to pin on his boutonniere. I wasn't every successful. Carlisle came and helped me and took him to watch some tele after I told him not to get dirty. Only one hour to go and I was getting nervous, but the excitement quickly gained dominance.

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