Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Bella's POV –

"Are you sure you guys will be okay with them?" I asked my mum.

"Yes Bella. I did raise you, you know," she liked to remind me this a lot.

"I know, but they are a handful," I smiled giving my mum Masen, she chuckled. I grabbed my overnight bag to pack it. Well more like weekend bag. Edward and I were getting away for a bit with Jacob and Scarlett. Jasper had loosened his grip on the reigns with Jacob's relationship with Scarlett as she would be moving away from him in a little over two months' time. The wedding would be in six weeks and the whole family would be coming to witness me and Edward get wed. It was going to be perfect.

"Scarlett, Bella!" Alice called from upstairs, she was longing to get stuck into packing with us.

Myself and Scarlett went upstairs and got stuck in with a hyper Alice babbling in our ears. She insisted on telling us the rules of colour co-ordination and informing us about the latest trends. At least we had everything ready in thirty minutes.

"Now, have you girls go everything?" She asked.

"Yes, I just have to grab my shampoo from the bathroom," Scarlett said, dragging her feet along the hall to go get it. I seen Alice fumbling in her dark brown chest of drawers. She pulled out a small red bag, no bigger than a CD case, she then pulled out a box of condoms. Scarlett came into the room just then.

"Here," she said to Alice, indicating that she got the shampoo bottle.

"Put it in the bag, I need to sort this," Scarlett looked Alice's hands and made the connection easily, blushing quickly.

"What are those for?" she asked sounding embarrassed.

"You. Well, Jacob. I know what it's like, young love. I haven't seen anything but it's just in case. I know your Dad, err Jasper wouldn't like it but he would be a little less rash if he knew you were being safe," Alice explained.

"You can call him my Dad," Scarlett tried to change the subject.

"I know, but he is just looking out for you, so am I," Alice said. I could see that Scarlett was a little uncomfortable.

"I'll look after her," I piped in, putting my arm over her shoulder, helping her out. Just then I heard Edward's tyres pull of the main road onto the dry rumble of our drive. I ushered Scarlett out of the room and downstairs.

I approached Edward and he asked me if I was ready to go. "Yeah, come on," I replied, placing a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Bye Masen," He called as he picked up our bags.

"Bye daddy, bye momma," Masen shrieked.

I dragged Edward out to the car by the hem of his shirt, Jacob and Scarlett were quietly following behind. We were headed to one of my mum and dad's old log cabins outside Seattle. We got there about 2 hours later as we had some trouble finding it. It was a beautiful big cabin, it had an old, oaky feel to it, but it was homely too. There was a large common room as soon as you went through the door and a kitchen off to the right. The wooden staircase led upstairs to the 3 bedrooms, all of which equal sizes and each with a beautifully finished en-suite. I placed our bags in the south facing bedroom and returned downstairs to see Edward lighting the fire in the fancy mantel piece in the middle of the cosy room. Jacob and Scarlett returned shortly after and we sorted dinner, consuming a few hot-dogs. Then we gathered in the common room and had some general chit chat. The fun would begin tomorrow with a hike and then some board games. We retired to the bedroom and Edward quickly caught up with my mood. He threw me onto the bad and growled playfully. I ripped his shirt off and threw it on the floor, mine quickly followed as did both of our trousers.

"Wait, I like those panties," He smiled. "Take them off thought, but do it carefully."


Scarlett's POV –

The chattering around the fire was nice. I was already great friends with Bella and Edward so it just felt natural sitting talking to them. We talked for hours, about anything and everything really. We played would you rather which was funny. Jacob is crazy for choosing to eat his own poop over a kangaroo's eyeball. The general chit chat sounded just like a group of normal people, no mythical creatures involved. The move, or Bella and Edward's wedding wasn't once brought up. After all we came here to get away from all that. We all headed to bed around midnight. I was anxious because it would be the first time that Jacob and I would be in the same bed sleeping. I don't know why I was anxious, we just got and he gave me a kiss good night and held me in his arms until dawn broke through the window the next morning.


The hike through the forest was quite funny. At the start, I suggested that Edward and Jake have a race to see who was faster. Jake was quickly losing so he started to get tactical. He whined and Edward got distracted, and he ran into a tree making Jacob the victor! Then everyone started to play pranks on each other, but I was stuck with nothing to do, I couldn't move fast, be silent and they could smell me. Bella climbed trees scaring Jake, Jake jumped out at Edward and Edward started to joke around with Bella.

"What a freak, are you descended from monkeys?" he joked playfully.

"No, just vampires," Bella tried to smirk darkly, but failing miserably. Edward burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"You!" Edward chuckled.

"You're the one with a funny looking face," Bella laughed.

"Really?" Edward wondered before playfully tackling her to the forest floor. He tickled her sides until she was crying with laughter.

"Edward, stop!" She managed to shout between her giggles.

"I think I look beautiful don't you?"

"Nope," Bella giggled, this made Edward tickle her even harder.

"Okay, I think you are the most beautiful man alive," she gasped.

"That's more like it," Edward smiled getting up, and helping Bella up with him. We continued around the forest for a few more hours before we went back to the cabin. Jacob lit a fire and we heated chicken and then roasted marshmallows on the fire. Again, we sat around the fire and talked before going to bed. Tonight, Jacob was more talkative.

"It's been fun here, we haven't had to worry about anything," he sighed in contentment.

"Yeah, we go back tomorrow though. It will be good to see everyone again," I admitted.

"Yeah, I suppose," He replied. I rolled onto my back and I was startled by how close Jacob was to me. Immediately he made the connection of my lips to his and instantly I had caught up on his mood. This was the most heated kiss that Jacob and I had ever shared. My mind quickly shot back to when Alice had put the protection into my bag, She must have seen this coming, but she can't see Jacob. Maybe she just had a glimpse of it, she's been learning how to see around the wolves. I would have to ask her when I got back tomorrow. Jacob didn't know about the little surprise Alice had given me. I wanted this before we went our separate ways for a while. Jacob must have been think along the same lines.

"You don't understand how much I don't want you to go," Jacob mumbled against the side of my neck.

"I don't want to go," I replied breathlessly. "But tonight, we could do the part," I scooted closer to his body.

"No, I won't go against Jasper's wishes," he denied.

"I want you Jacob," I pressed.

"I can't give you that." Jacob compromised, "Just, maybe a little."

I nodded knowing that he had set his limit for tonight. He lifted my top over my head as I did his. I shimmied out of my bottoms and was just left in my underwear.

"Stop taking your clothes off Scar," Jacob told me.

"Why?" I asked, confused. He rested his head on my forehead.

"We won't be doing that much tonight."

However, he shrugged out of his cut off sweats and settled into bed beside me only in his underwear. We kissed fiercely, our hands roaming each other's bodies exploring this new level for ours that night.


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