Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Bella's POV –

I haven't breathed a word to my mum in two hours. What she did was uncalled for. I know Dad believes me, because Carlisle told him that Edward wasn't thinking along those lines. Dad didn't really mind Edward, he wanted to get closer to him. After all, who knows what the future will bring? My mum, on the other hand, isn't so forgiving. I don't think she trusts me. I don't particularly trust myself sometimes. She is probably right to not. She had been in my position once before.

"Bella, I think that we should have Edward and his father over," Carlisle said, interrupting my thinking. "It would be nice to get to know them in an environment where everyone can be calm about things. Esme will cook and it will give everyone a chance to iron some things out."

"Okay," I mumbled. It was nice to see that certain members of the family were trying to make this as easy as possible and not hold grudges over stupid, inane things.

A few hours later Edward arrived with his father. He looked scared if I'm being frank. I was a little apprehensive myself. I didn't know how things would play out and the inevitable topic of birds and their bee's was bound to come up and in front of my boyfriend, his father and my whole family, well it didn't exactly make me giddy.

"Edward, come in," Carlisle welcomed. "And hello Charlie. I welcome you to our home."

"Thank you, Dr Cullen," Charlie replied.

"You can call me Carlisle."

Charlie nodded.

"Hello Bella," Charlie greeted, pulling me into a hug.

My mother was taken aback by Charlie's gesture. I didn't think that she fully realized how much Charlie had accepted me into his family, and his life. We all gathered in the living room, making small talk about the weather. Charlie and Carlisle chatted about the hospital and the station. Before Esme finished cooking some cheesy pasta up for lunch. After Myself, Edward and Charlie had finished eating we gathered in the living room either seated in couches or on the floor. I distanced myself from Edward, just to save us both some embarrassment.

"Charlie, this morning we had a small incident," Carlisle began. Charlie nodded, symbolising that Edward had informed him. "They had just finished breakfast when there was a small misunderstanding between Emmett, Rosalie, Bella, and Edward. They misinterpreted. They believed Bella and Edward had... had sex, but they only slept in the same bed. How do you feel so far?"

"That is okay with me. I mean, Edward will be an adult in a few weeks. However, if he does part-take in some, um, sexual intercourse with Bella ...he needs to be responsible and safe," Charlie explained.

I bowed my head, hiding the blood rushing to it, soon I felt the blush on my cheeks. I knew this was going to come up.

"Emmett and Rosalie, how do you feel about them being intimate?" Carlisle questioned.

"I guess it will happen at some point no matter what our wishes," Dad said.

"How can you say that? No, he will just take advantage of her! I won't allow it!" Mom screeched.

I looked over to Edward. He was shaking his head. I knew how he felt about himself. He thought he was a good for nothing. Even more so now than ever, and this wasn't helping. He didn't say a word though. I thought Charlie might have stepped in for his son, but he just left it as well just grimacing.

"I don't mind him being here with her as long as they both keep fully clothed," Mom added, a little calmer.

"I just don't understand what Rosalie and Emmett's part is in this," Charlie said finally stepping in.

"Well, Emmett and Rose are Bella's biological parents, making me and Esme her grandparents- as Emmett is our son. Alice and Jasper were friends of the family, but Bella regards them as her Aunt and Uncle," Carlisle informed.

"Oh okay. I can see why they would be concerned," Charlie admitted. "Carlisle, could I learn some more about your family, please?"

Everyone else started their own little conversations, my mum and dad both ignored Edward and Alice chatted to him. The way they were treating made me mad, any wonder I wasn't talk to Rose. I concentrated on what Carlisle and Charlie were saying.

"If you'd like, Charlie. We regard ourselves as vegetarians. We feed only on the blood of animals. Esme and I are married. You know about Emmett and Rose, of course. Emmett can manipulate thoughts, implant and idea or image in your head. Alice and Jasper are married. Alice can see the future and Jasper can manipulate emotions. Alice can't see the werewolves though but, Jas can manipulate the wolves' emotions. I can read one's thoughts; something of the mind. I can read everyone's thoughts except Bella's," Carlisle elaborated.

"You can't hear Bella's thoughts?" Edward asked Carlisle, interrupting their conversation.

"No, I have never been able to read Bella's thoughts," he replied.

After they finished their conversation Charlie and Emmett went to watch a baseball game, then Charlie went home. Edward was permitted to stay, but he would have to sleep in the spare room. Edward and I were at the mahogany dining table playing checkers. Rosalie came in and took a seat beside Edward.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier Edward," she apologised.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," he forgave.

"No, no its not. I was out of line. I know you would never do that to Bella. I know you care for her but I just don't want to lose her, not yet anyway," Mom explained to him.

"I will never take her away from you," Edward pledged.

"I just don't want her to grow up, not yet," she confessed

"Mom," I whined. " I am 63 years old,"

"Bella sh," she replied, turning back to Edward, "She's still my little girl, and I hope you'll take care of her."

"Of course I will, her needs will always be my best interest," Edward said. I yawned and he chuckled.

"I think she needs to go to sleep," Edward commented.

"Night," Mom said, kissing me on the forehead and giving Edward a nod. He lead me out of the lounge and upstairs to my bedroom. I went into my closet and changed into sweats and a sports shirt. I went back and got into bed. Edward tucked me in, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Night Edward," I purred.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams," Edward answered.

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