Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Bella's POV

Juggling life as a mother was really quite hard and now I understood all the fears and worries my mother had with me, except its amplified. Having twins is really hard work. I'm glad I've got the help of Edward and our family.

It's crazy how fast my little ones are growing up. It's beautiful to watch them grow and learn especially at an advanced rate as it made it seem all that more important. Of course it had its downfalls too. It was sad to realised that they had all their teeth only two weeks after their births and spoke their first words only a handful of days later. At seven weeks they were just about on the move whether that be bum-shuffling around for Masen or full out crawling for Rosa. Edward and Jacob were adamant that it wouldn't be long before they were on their feet all together.

Masen and Rosa were two months old now. They were physically developed one year olds by now but their mental development raced further on ahead than that. Carlisle had predicted that they would age just like I had. There wasn't really any way to measure how fast that would be but he theorised they would begin to slow down the older they got.

Edward is great with the kids. He was very worried about only bonding with one of them but he shares his time and attention between the pair of them equally. We've been out together as a family a few times but of course we've got to be careful when it comes to our public appearances, not so much now but a few weeks down the line when the twins are both walking.

"Ma," a small voice croaked from across the room. It was easy to spend time at Charlie's. Sure there wasn't the most space here but he had lots to do at work, and with that and his new found friendship on the rez the house was empty most of the time and the privacy was much more appealing rather than all my family hearing and seeing everything. We were free to just be ourselves here and we had quickly fallen into a family routine.

"Ma," the little voice repeated.

"I think Mr. Grouchy-pants in the cot wants something," Edward murmured against my neck.

"Yeah," I agreed, struggling to comprehend moving from the embrace of Edward on the comfy bed. Alone time with Edward was something that was quite hard to come by these days.

"Ma!" Masen yelled – that was Masen for you. Always looking attention from the moment he woke in the morning, which is usually around eight-am, until he went back to bed at night. Rosa was more relaxed and chilled than her brother, overall a very content child. As I heaved myself from the bed and strolled over to his cot, I seen my own big blue eyes staring right at me. I picked him up.

"Hey little man," I cooed. "How are we this morning?"

"Boo?" he asked. This was his little was of saying he wanted fed. He has his lunch and dinner in solid foods but he enjoys some milk in the morning and when he goes to bed, his sister was much the same and they only had blood on rare occasions – if they couldn't be calmed for example.

"Not yet, let's go wake your sister first," I said, walking to the other side of the crowded bedroom gently ticking Rosa's nose. She also opened her bright blue eyes and smiled as soon as she saw me hovering over the bed with her brother. I placed him on the bed with his perfect father, who was now bright eyed and bushy tailed. No pun intended. Rosa was now standing up, with the help of the crib. I took her back to the bed and as soon as she seen Edward she went crazy. She was such a daddy's girl.

"Da! Da, da, da!" she exclaimed squirming in my arms.

"Hey princess," Edward greeted, taking her into his arms.

I took a quieter Masen off Edward and set him on my knee. I lifted my top to feed him. He caught on easily, as always. He drunk for about 10 minutes before he had enough. I swapped him with his sister and she latched on just as Masen had done. She fell asleep quickly. Rosa, like her father had no problem with falling asleep.

The kids seemed to be an even mix of the pair of us. They both had my eyes and Edward's hair, cute button noses that same from who knows where. They looked very similar but their little personalities really defined their differences. As they both fell back to sleep together I watched them in awe.

"How many more kids do you want?" Edward asked. He obviously noticed the smile that had crept onto my face.

"As many as you'll give me," I replied lifting the kids one at a time and placing them in their cribs again.

"You know," Edward mumbled, scooting closer as I got back into bed beside him. "We could start practicing making some more if you'd like."

I knew Edward was only human and I missed him sexually too but I just wasn't ready for that again yet. I knew that it was silly to not feel as sexy as I had before because it happens to everyone and I knew that Edward thought the world of me but the baby weight just didn't seem to be shifting. Everyone has their needs and Edward had his too. His prolonging showers were a key give away.

"I know you're not ready but I just miss you, that's all," he sighed.

"I miss you too. I just don't think I'm ready to be intimate like that again right now," I stammered insecurely.

"I won't push you," he promised. The strain in his voice was evident, I knew it wasn't easy for him.

I straddled him and his hands rested on my hips. I lay on his chest and out lips collided fiercely. It had been quite some time since we had felt this heated. I realised I needed him more than I originally thought. Our bodies reacted quickly because of the absence, with ease we moulded together like we normally did. His hands roamed my back and Edward squeezed my butt. I moaned, my hands making their way to the hem of his shirt and tugging at it rigorously.

"Bella stop. You're not ready," he urged breathless from the impromptu make out session.

"We won't go the full way," I assured.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I cut the whole conversation off there by resuming our make out session. I ran my hands through his hair, turning him on and soon I felt him press against my groin. His hands went to my chest and caressed my breasts. I began grinding on his hips, both of us moaning as I done so. Our mouths continued moving together and our tongues met. We were both so caught in the moment we didn't hear the door.

"Edward, there is a bonfire, you should bring Rosa," Seth began but when his eyes met us on the bed he quickly groaned in disgust.

"Seth! Get out!" Edward yelled, as I rolled off Edward's hips and lay beside him.

"Hey, gee. It's not my fault you two are doing the dirty. If you didn't remember you told me the key was under the mat, you should have said not to come around today" he replied.

"Are you kidding? It's only nine o'clock in the morning," Edward defended.

"It's eleven thitry," Seth informed.

"What? I only just put the kids back to bed a minute ago," I spoke.

"Ew, you guys were having sex with your children in the room!" he asked.

"No we weren't," I said.

"Seth, why are you still here?" Edward asked.

"I'll be down stairs," he grunted and left.

"We better get ready," Edward sighed, getting up and leaving me on the bed.

Trust Seth. I told Edward that key was a bad idea.


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