Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Edward's POV –

School was starting to get on my last nerve a little bit. I have spent 2 weeks here now and it seemed to be the same stuff over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I've never been one to completely love school and I was never one for sucking up and being the teacher's pet but it wasn't something I usually dreaded getting out of bed in the morning for. Here however, it was very much starting to feel like a chore. At my old school in Phoenix you have some fun, even with the teachers. Here, you look at a book in class, then you look at a book at lunch, then you look at a book at home. The amount of homework's I've received since getting here is unbelievable. And I have been slipping behind a little. I think that even Jake is more ahead of his homework schedule than I am – that's saying something! I have been finding it a little hard to concentrate recently.

I had just popped into the supermarket to pick up some lunch. Some else which I hated here, the school dinners, they we're gross and sloppy. I sat eating my humungous lunch in my car in the store parking lot and I really was dreading going back to school. I just wanted to have a little fun.

Perhaps I can find someone different to hang out with at lunch, Jacob and his friends had got a little boring for me. They used their lunch break to study, how ridiculous. I decided to head back to school and spend the lunch break with Awan and his friends. I had a few classes with Awan and had talked to him a few times. He seemed like a little bit of a trouble maker but I just needed a little change and as they played their little games it looked like they were having a barrel of fun!

I made the short journey back to the school premises and apparently I had time for one class with Jacob, something which really annoyed me as his stupid inane questions started.

"Where the hell where you Edward," he whispered, under his breath once I had excused myself and sat down I in the brown wooden seat beside him.

"I had things to do, no biggie," I replied, under my breath. What was it to him anyways?

"You didn't answer my question, where were you?" he further questioned.

"I slept in," I lied. I wasn't even sure why I just didn't tell him the truth, but it was probably because he was getting on my last nerve right now.

"I'll call for you tomorrow."

"Okay," I said, shrugging it off and rolling my eyes. Was it really his place to intrude?

The more I thought about it the more it began to get under my skin. It was no business of Jacob's why I missed class. The only person who it concerned was me. It had pissed me off more than it should of and I thought about just going home again but I decided that spending time with Awan would get under Jacobs skin as much as he got under mine – considering how much he and Sam talk about him. Just as the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and things leaving in a rush.

As I entered the cafeteria I noticed the boy's already sitting at the bottom of the canteen, lounging on the radiator with their feet on chairs. Immediately I noticed Awan. I only recognised him due to his misbehaving in English earlier in the week, as I walked down to the group Awan spoke to me.

"Edward, what are you doing down here?" he asked, his eyebrows knotted in confusion.

"I need a little bit of a break, and I just want to test the waters with a few more groups to see who I get on with well. And to be frank Jacob is getting gon my tits," I replied, going on a little rant. I was shocked by myself at first, I normally don't use such vulgar words, but it helped.

"Oh, Jacob and his hall monitors on steroids?" he continued.

"Yeah," I sighed. "He's turned into a bit of a tight ass, he's not the Jake I know."

"Yeah, the Jacob we know used to be up for a little bit of fun. He used to be one of us, sitting up here having a laugh, he was lots of fun, the he started hanging out with Sam and his crew now look at him," Awan explained.


"Yes, it was the same with them all they missed some school and stayed by Sam after, completely ignoring us, first Paul and Jared then Jacob, Embry and Quill. We haven't seen little Seth Clearwater in a while, I have 10 bucks on him being next," he went on.

"I haven't seen Leah either," another guy butted in, I think his name was Brady.

"You know; you've come to the right place if you want to loosen up. Why don't we have some fun, who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Awan asked.

"Right, well you have come to the right place for some fun, I say truth or dare!" Awan shouted.

I heard a few of the guys holler to some other people around the canteen. Everyone gathered around the table and there was perhaps 12 people when we started.

"Micah, truth or dare," Brady started.

"Dare," he challenged.

"Go up to Amelia and kiss her," He ordered.

"Ugh," Micah grunted making his way up to the pretty girl. She was sat with Sam Uley's little cousin. He pulled her chair out and started kissing her fiercely, gaining a whistle from everyone sat around the table in the corner.

"Awan, truth or dare," Micah asked.

"Truth," smirked Awan.

"Did you have sex with Jada in the toilets," he asked.

"Yes! I did!" Awan exclaimed. This resulted in a huge uproar around the table.

"Edward, truth or dare?" Awan chuckled through the chorus of laughs.

"Dare," I said with a little bit of menace in my voice. I wanted to loosen up, didn't I? And I guessed it would be some fun. And with that the bell rang.

"Let's bunk off," Awan suggested.


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