Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Scarlett's POV –

We have been here for about 6 weeks now. Maybe 8, then again it's maybe 10 or 12. I don't know how long we have been here, all I know is it's been too long and things aren't getting any easier. They are getting worse. All my thoughts are off Jacob. What he's doing, who's he with, does he miss me. It hurts too think this much but I physically can't stop it.

The first 3 days or so he was always ringing or texting Edward to see how I was. Soon Edward got sick of it and told him to stop bothering him. That ticked me off, Edward was my friend from the very beginning. He helped me cope with my huge bereavement. He helped heal me, so I wondered why he wanted to hurt me. The ache in my chest got worse and now I haven't been to school since.

Edward and Bella are so perfect. I don't know why I stay here with them. Maybe it's because I feel closer to Jacob when I'm near Edward. They are having another child. That made me wonder if Jake and I would ever be able to settle down together, probably not. Jake is probably carrying on as normal - he always was stronger than me. I am nothing, a weak human. Jake is a strong wolf. Everyone is stronger than me, even the little kids. He was stronger, unlike me crumbling to pieces. He has probably moved on. I'm just a girl, he has probably gotten over me. I would never get over him, I needed him. My little inner monologue was interrupted by a knock on the door just as a teardrop escaped my eye. I looked down and my whole t-shirt was wet. I hadn't realized I had been crying. Bella's head popped around the door, her small baby bump gently stuck out as she eased her way in.

"You should shower and change, we are having a get together at the main house and Esme is cooking us a meal," Bella informed me.

"Do I have to come?" I asked.

"Everyone wants to see you," she coaxed.

"Okay, I'll be 15 minutes," I shrugged.

Bella left and I sighed this wasn't going to be pleasant. I hauled myself from my bed and crossed the hall to the bathroom. I quickly showered and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white long sleeved top. I grabbed socks and my trainers, quickly getting them on before heading downstairs. I heard two people having a heated conversation. It was Bella and Edward - this wasn't normal. I stayed quiet and hidden, listening to their argument.

"Edward, we should just tell her," Bella moaned.

"How Bella? What are we going to say?" Edward challenged.

"We should just tell her the truth, she is a mess and deserves to know," Bella defended.

"He ran away, he's hurt too, yet he doesn't know about Scarlett," I grew more alert at my name being mentioned by Edward.

"She is younger more vulnerable; we need to help her. What if the tables were turned what if we were being tore apart?" Bella questioned. So, this was about me and Jake. His name made my stomach do flips.

"Bella, you don't understand. Jacob isn't good with feelings; he's scared and needs time. We don't even know where he is!" Edward argued back.

What, he's gone? Why did he leave? Wait, how long has he been gone - how long have they kept this from me? I was angry and annoyed and I was seeing red. Without a second thought I reacted.

"What? He ran away?" I shouted at the pair of them. Edward sighed and Bella looked both sorry and guilty.

"I'm so sorry," Bella apologised.

"How long has he been gone?" I shouted mainly at Edward.

"6 weeks," he shrugged.

"6 weeks and you never told me!" I shrieked.

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